What is Bastion for?

Lack of mobility is his weakness. He’s not the only hero with that. Ana has horrid mobility. They’re designed that way. And the trust is, this is a team game. If you can’t play as a team, you’ll probably lose. Unless both teams don’t play as a team, then it’s more of a coinflip and luck.

Yeah, I’m not saying he should be completely independent of his team, but at the moment, he relies on his team way too much. His team has to babysit him way too hard, harder than any other hero in the game, in order for him to be on the same level as a Soldier. He should need a healer every once in a while, maybe a tank to stand close to, but he shouldn’t have to have a pocket healer and tank just to continue existing. If you’re playing Soldier, you’re usually fine without a healer or tank for a while. You’ll need to group back up at some point, but you can hold your own for the most part. That’s what Bastion lacks. He should need a team to win, but he shouldn’t require a babysitter or two.

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I’m not sure if you remember this, but not too long ago, when he originally got his ironclad ability, he was ridiculously powerful. Most ultimates couldn’t kill him, as he’d just heal himself right through them. Nerfing ironclad to 20% damage reduction brought him to where he is now, and I think he’s fine. If you’re staying still too long, you will have to be babysat, if you’re getting harassed, you need to change. But several heroes need babysitting, and Bastion needs proper coordination to come off right, or the the player has to know how to position properly to pull off surprise attacks.

I think he’s fine.

I’m not sure if you’ve been paying attention, but in my last post, I said I wanted to get rid of that horrible Ironclad thing you hate so much and replace it with something that makes it easier for flankers to kill him in Sentry Mode.

Also, yes, I remember the original Ironclad. I was playing Overwatch for a year before then, I played a lot during that week to enjoy Bastion briefly being viable, and I’ve regretted Ironclad replacing bonus armor in Tank Mode ever since.

Did you forget that he was Nanoboosted for that durability?

You’re entitled to your opinion, but it’s obnoxious that you refuse to address the arguments which seek to logically explain how Bastion is NOT fine.

The original Bastion (including beta bastion) was for 2 things:

Locking down an area and busting tanks, as well any barriers they futilely attempted to use to protect against his firepower.

Current bastion is a detriment to the team only good at burning down shields and dying unless excessively babysat by an entire team.

This is why Bastion is basically vaporizing at all levels of play above Bronze. Just going from bronze to silver halves his pick rate.


Let me share this analysis from a different thread:

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Eyyy, I’m useful :slight_smile:

I explained in the first post how that is a joke for Bastion. There are exactly two different positions he wants to be in, he cannot be truly effective in either position, he cannot effectively achieve or maintain either position, and he doesn’t even have the saving grace of having the ability to quickly and easily switch between those positions.

He lacks both specialization AND flexibility, which leaves him with nothing.

Well, some people actually want to be Bastion as often as other people want to be Soldier, Reinhardt, or Mercy — the other one-star difficulty heroes. The ones who are all meant to be the most team-dependent members of their categories and who still don’t require entire teams based solely around their weaknesses to contribute to a fight.

Symmetra and Torbjorn are also heroes people picked for the first Defense point and then switched off, and Blizzard reworked Symmetra so that people would use her at both Defense points. Now Blizzard is reworking both Symmetra and Torbjorn to remove that inflexibility entirely.

Bastion will next be, I predict.

Bastion’s rework was meant to make him a “barrier breaker”. It failed at the time AND we had more barrier breakers introduced since.
We’re overdue for a rework. AGAIN


Why the 5 month necro? I get it, he’s still garbo, but why not just make a new one?

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Bastion is supposed to lock down an area, like a sentry turret from TF2, just as a player. That’s his purpose, whether it’s easy to fulfill or not.

I can always tell a Tracer or Genji is surprised to get deleted while I’m in Recon mode because they will exclusively focus on me after I dink their head hitbox into oblivion.

Bring it! Except the Pulse Bomb, don’t bring that.

SunderGold asked me to reply to it and I realized only after posting that it was 5 months old.

You can dodge that one. Fairly easily, too.

Not really, Bastion is huge. If a Tracer can’t stick slow/immobile Bastion they might want to rethink their hero choice.


I can dodge about half of the pulse bombs thrown at me.
Bring it.

You don’t have the tool except kill her before she gets in range.

I can dodge with Orisa through shield dancing but Bastion’s got nothing. He can survive a pulse bomb sure but a gust of wind could finish you off after lol.

I think you are exaggerating these quite a lot, a decent position can prevent Reinhardt from getting up to him, even the tiniest support gives him plenty of an edge against Orisa and Zarya.

That being said, having to stand still is still a huge disadvantage against any character in this game.

WASD and jump.
Das it.

I can dream, Harold!

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