What is a smurf?

Smurfs have high mmr and won’t be matched with normies. it is more likely to be matched with hard stuck accounts.

Why would a masters+ player care or even notice if a smurf ends up in their match? They’re around the same skill level.

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Tbh I think they’re just trolling me… Their first comment was “maybe you’re just not good enough to encounter smurfs” which is like… The opposite of how it works as far as it’s been explained here

Meanwhile they say they encounter smurfs all the time so I guess they think they’re really good &that’s why they see them so much? :man_shrugging: :rofl: Idk.

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The only time I can think of when a smurf could be a problem would be if you’re also on an alt at lower sr. Then it becomes who can roll the others team faster. Once it’s a full lobby of high sr players it just doesn’t matter anymore.

There’s no way this is a genuine thread. I absolutely do not believe you have 10,000 forum posts, probably twice as much time played in the game than I do, and you don’t know what a smurf is?

Are you being serious?


That’s exactly what can happen. I recall Highway was doing a unranked to GM S76 and claimed there was a smurf S76 against him in the same placement match ironically.

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I was pretty sure I knew what a smurf was but when I see people (including in this thread) say they encounter smurfs every other game I had to find out why I don’t & why they do. According to Lara it might be because I’m not good enough, though that seems to go against the very logic of what a smurf has been explained to be. (A high rank player playing in a lower rank they don’t belong in)

So lemme get this straight.

You clearly have a lot of knowledge in this game, and you’re gonna take the word of random users on the internet with attention seeking font names over your own experience?

Like what? Why even make the thread?
You already knew why you don’t see smurfs. They’re very hard to come by the higher up you go…

Did you just want to be told you’re good?


he and bunch others seems to care too much about my opinion and are just trying to pick on me whenever they get a chance xD

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When people are not that great at the game it becomes harder for them to recognize why things went wrong and often it can be the gut reaction to just blame it on another teammate or believe into a conspiracy theory of smurfing in a way.

I remember a game of a widow repeatedly killing me. They had a hidden account so I couldn’t see their win rate or other stats. I watched the replay. They actually were pretty bad on widow. They just had an amazing game of being able to just kill me luckily and like no one else on my team. I did have a couple walk in straight line unaware moments.


This is a truth that needs mentioning more often. An alt/smurf being blamed for a loss despite getting 60+ elims etc is surprisingly common. A huge chunk of the playerbase just look to blame anything but themselves for their losses.


To find out where the smurf epidemic is since I’m not even seeing them in quickplay/arcade.

I’m not seeing a Widow on one team get 3 consecutive headshot kills while everyone else is struggling to hit anything. Everyone is roughly around the same skill level for the most part.

Really… That’s why you entered the thread & said “maybe you’re just not good enough”? :joy: Seems like you’re the one trying to pick on people… Maybe you’re projecting.

I bet the next game you played you had less of those moments! Lol.

Learning from mistakes is a great teacher :slight_smile:

Yeah I should probably have stayed away from this thread. It was clearly a troll thread.

GM player asking what a smurf is. Sure.

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The Text Book Definition is:

A player who creates an alternate account in a rank multiple tiers below their own who will actively throw games to prevent ranking that account up as normal but rather plays to bully less experienced players.

Not this

  • There is no smurfing in game modes that do not involve competitive ladders.

It worked for me :sweat_smile:

Don’t forget the rigged match maker clowns :rofl::rofl:

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I see this behavior quite often as Support on Mercy. People will whine about I need healing, but when I’m out there pulling out 2000 heals/min in a match out of a max 3300 I pretty much at the max of all the healing possible. Ya’ll need to kill stuff or stop getting hit.

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Saying “maybe you’re just not good enough to go against smurfs” is trolling

Locked profile.

What proof is there that this player is a Grand Master?

Smurfs have high mmr which means unless your mmr is high you won’t get matched with them. Simple as that.


he claims to be such.

Smurfing might actually be an issue still. Just not as severe as everyone makes it out to be. I don’t know. I can’t check profiles to see a person’s win rate and other stats to know for sure when its auto private.

I feel I’m at plat which is good enough. I just don’t think about it much because the game gives me enough tools I feel to tussle with people better than me to heavily mitigate some behaviors. WHen I see a suspicious Tracer/Genji and I whip out the torb turret in backline they tend to get destroyed by that backline turret going in alone usually until they learn otherwise. Stuff like that.

I think that should be bannable. So, alternate accounts that don’t throw are just alts?

That’s confusing. So only good players go against… Good players? How are they smurfs at that point?