What is a smurf?

I think that should be bannable. So, alternate accounts that don’t throw are just alts?

That’s confusing. So only good players go against… Good players? How are they smurfs at that point?

A few months back I grouped with 2 friends. Myself and 1 of the others on alts so that we could play with the other friend in low plat. You’d be surprised how common it was for us to be blamed for any losses despite stomping.

A lot of players just have no idea why they’re losing and blame others.

OP might know who the other player on an alt account was :smirk:


smurfs are cowards who fear their main ranks and need a ego boost on lower ranks who cannot play vs em.


Where do you think those people play before getting to lvl 25 to be able to enter comp mode? :roll_eyes:


Typical answer of people who are way too obsessed by comp and sr, smurfs can be everywhere, even in qp.


It is.

IF you can prove Game Play Sabotage and get enough people to vote on it.


  • Unless you’re boosting. Then that’s against ToS. But very difficult to prove. :smirk:

Kinda yes, but not really…. This requires a much longer explanation of how match making in Overwatch works and I just don’t feel like writing it out.

  • You can read about it here

In short, if I (a Masters DPS) jump on an alt in silver/Gold/platinum, the game tries to find other players to match me with to make the game fair and balanced.

When the game cannot find “1” person, it’ll bring in 2 people. If it can’t find 2 it brings in 3, and so on. But the game can only have a match variance of 40/60.

  • IE a 40% chance that one team might lose and a 60% chance that the opposing team will win.

Those are the ABSOLUTE defined HARD PROGRAMMED limits in the game. However, a Masters DPS is going to yield too much value in low Elo, so the game rewards the player with large SR boosts in an attempt to shove them out of low rank so they can be matched appropriately.

  • Please follow link above for thorough and in-depth explanation and understanding of Overwatch Competitive Match Making.

Quick Play and Competitive have completely separate MMRs

  • Per Papa Jefe

Lol…. I once got rolled in masters by a doom/tracer duo.

There was NOTHING I could do to outplay these dudes.

Clearly T500 duo doing unranked to GM. Needless to say I lost that game. :rofl:

I was so desperate to try anything, I tried torb. Tracer just ignored the turret sight-lines. Doom rolled my tanks and supports. I think the enemy tanks just chilled on point all game :rofl:


dude when I lose against people who are master or diamond on a lev 200+ account I know very well why I lost, rank difference. For sure they’re better but hey happens when I’m matched vs people 2 ranks above mine

if I lose vs people in gold on SAME RANK on a account level 300+ (even 200 lol) , I just give em gg and watch my replay since for sure I did some mistake

(until I had leavers or ppl who lose a fight 6 v 2 when maybe I killed 4 ppl lol)

if I lose vs a lev 25/40 doomfist knowing all maps rollout or a widow who don’t miss shots… not on me. can’t do anything vs the smurf and is gg, go next.

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Yes. The thing is, new account starts with no mmr and they will ruin a lot of games until the game determines a solid mmr.


Must have veen AKJ. :grin:

Actual guess… jasonbent/levi?

Okay but the games are unranked (in QP). There is nothing on the line.

The definition of smurfing is based around compromising ladder integrity for easy wins.

Yes but they still have to go through some modes before start playing comp.
Also one of the main reason for people to smurf is the satisfaction of stomping even if it is not in comp.


Can’t relate

Good guess, we are besties after all.


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Who played Junkrat if you were playing together? :pleading_face: Did Jason play Doom while you were the rat?

I played support while Jason was on dps with the other friend. Sometimes he’d tank and I’d dps. He rarely played Junk, though.

I should just lock my profile and claim to be GM in every thread while saying complete nonsense but people will just have to take my word for it because I’m GM :slight_smile:

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Well, a lot of people around does exactly that.

But anyway, I don’t care considering what he is claiming works against his case so w/e.

little blue guys with hats. Live in mushrooms. Look out.

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Right, once you’re in Masters/GM, the majority of low level accounts you see are alt accounts, not smurfs.

The main difference between an alt account and a smurf is the intention behind it. Smurfs will get a new account and then hard throw/soft throw every game to get seeded really low, do their placements and soft throw/hard throw those, end up in bronze or silver, and then laugh while they kick the butts of literal children, disabled people, working parents with little free time, and people who are just genuinely unskilled. Then when they climb past a certain threshold, they will begin to soft throw/hard throw again (this depends on the individual smurf and how much they want to avoid being reported) until they are as low as they want to get. Many smurf accounts will throw to the sub 500 range.

You can be a smurf in any rank so long as you are purposely playing below your rank.

You can also have an alt account in any rank, so long as you always have and always do play your best, with the intention of winning and climbing or maintaining rank.

Alt account = fine
Smurf = scummy behavior akin to bullying

Edit: As an aside, some smurf accounts aren’t low level. They could be over level 3,000 and be a borrowed or purchased account. These kind of smurfs are harder to detect, only because their low level doesn’t automatically give them away. When they are throwing they just seem to be super bad (since they are so high level) and when they are winning, people question if they’re cheating, but not if they are a smurf, because they are so high level.

I’ve actually been accused of being a smurf boosting my own account before -.-


Question: “What is a smurf?”

Answer: “A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk! Have at you!”