What in the world is Overwatch 2?

Where is this all coming from? It’s all over the forums. I thought it was a myth. What is going on?

Did someone leak it? Did the devs mention it in a video?

Is it Overwatch mobile??

please please do tell. i’m probably contributing a lot more to the flooding anyway but please i’m curious.

Supposedly it was leaked from a conversation with some Blizzard devs that they’re currently working on Diablo 4 (which I think we already knew) and Overwatch 2 (which hadn’t been discussed before). Supposedly Overwatch 2 is going to feature more PvE content

I have a good summary here:


Saw this post and it was 0 messages

Clicked and suddenly 3

This isn’t fair

interesting. :popcorn: oh this is very interestinG! :popcorn:


for distance

Kobe for accuracy

Never forget

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A meme at this point

It’s an attempt to salvage Overwatch’s appeal by making a sequel that doesn’t really do anything new or change any existing mechanics in the hopes that people will buy it because it’s new

All the while cancelling a potentially appealing StarCraft FPS game that could very much do well considering the nature of the game and its lore.

I think Blizzard thinks that by adding “2” it might be as good as Team Fortress 2.