What if you could Shadow Step during Wraith?

Would that be OP? Or is it a good idea?

It would be OP below diamond.

Honestly, one of the biggest factors that keeps shadowstep weak is how easy it would be to get a good death blossom off at low ranks because you are less likely to be countered there anyhow.

That’s why the change I want to shadowstep is for the disappearing of Reaper to be instant, but the reappearance at the new area to be just as slow as it currently is.

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Also, it’s kind’ve an insult to have to use wraith just to be able to ensure a safer teleport. And then Wraith form doesn’t have a forgiving CD (which is fine, not complaining about it) so you’d have to save it only for teleport.

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The real solution is to just change his ultimate. It is worthless at higher ranks and apparently team wipe central at lower ranks. If they just gave him something a bit different, perhaps non-lethal, we could have a usable Shadow Step.

But what about in higher ranks? Would it be useless, or would it be a solid ability?

It depends, if you teleport in line of sight instead of around a corner or something, useless. Widow is going to merc you free. If you can get to uncontested high-ground, however, it would probably be relatively helpful as an escape. Consistency would be the issue as it would all be map dependent. On, say, Gibraltar, probably a massive buff. King of the Hill… Eh? That being said, Reaps is already decent there. So whatever.

not sure if it’ll be op, but that’ll be really annoying to deal with.

What I had in mind is he would still be in Wraith Form upon finishing Shadow Step.

Oh, my b. I thought you were talking about his suggestion. The same sort of problem exists, if he has nowhere to go after teleporting, Widow is going to hard-counter his attempt at teleporting regardless, but if timed just right, I could see it working around certain spots. It would be situational at higher ranks. The real problem is that those top 500 Widow do not play. If he is out in the open he is guaranteed death, pretty much, so the suggestion could not hurt. It is just that teleport takes long to cast and wraith does not last particularly long.

I disagree, I think that compared to all other attack ultimates, only Dragon Blade and EMP are better than Death Blossom. DB also fixes his weakness against small framed heroes. I think it’s fine.

If he’s Wraithing coming out of Shadow Step though, Widow won’t be able to head shot him (not for free, anyway) as he’ll be intangible.

I honestly cannot tell if you are being serious or not. :weary:

It does not really matter. My solo ultimate strategy will forever be powerful as long as lesser Reapers try for the teamwipe. Amen.

No. Just make it faster and less noticeable.

Here are my ideas.

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