What if we removed the sky ceiling now?

Seriously in this sniper meta… what’s the worst that could happen?

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Or just raise it a bit. Kinda annoying when I superjump on Mercy in a high spot in the map and I happen to hit my head on it and go shooting downward.

Also thinking of Wrecking Ball and D. Va (plus others like JR and DF)

it would be nice if the paris sky box was risen up a bit and the ilios sea boxes were lowered down a bit.

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Feels like if we show how high the skybox actually is people would consider it more

That’s not a bad idea.

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o.o… no tys… then genji and doom and many others have freeroam over all buildings… not to mention phara can just fly over everything

How about we remove the floor too. /s

It kinda annoys me how there are random invisible walls on certain maps. Obviously there needs to be map limitations though. You can’t just remove the sky collider.

The sky collision is literally the only way to keep Pharah in check on Hollywood, King’s Row, and Hanamura.

There are some seriously broken spots that Pharah could pepper you from on these maps that you simply cannot anticipate or protect from, since they’re a completely different angle than the choke.

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…But I don’t think that Pharah faced this meta… so it would be fine.

Please raise ceiling, 30% of the maps you will hit your head with a single shiftboost upwards + holding space. Anubis is the WORST of all

…Funny that you speak of Anubis…(Pauses answer for a week and a half.)

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I just imagine all the Wrecking Ball Angles I could do. (If I didn’t hit a ceiling likely could go farther.)

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it thought the ceiling was about performance? if your higher up the game has to draw more stuff at once

the invisable cieling box is what blocks u from going over alot of buildings. on say eichiwald ect.