What if they removed Valkyrie?

What about this then
Ult: Salvation
Cast Time: 1 second
Instantly heals teammates fully and then applies a 3 second heal renewal to teammates affected. (like her Passive)

For her ult the solo rez sounds cool, but she would have to have a stronger kit to compensate (ie. 60hps again, strong second ability). Maybe her E could be applying invulnerability on an ally, or maybe an ability that launches her into the sky and knocks enemies who are around her back. Something else other people suggested was a pacify.

Another suggestion for her ult would be to make it rez multiple people again, but reduce its radius to 10 or 12 meters with a .50sec cast time or something. It would charge faster to encourage tempo rezzes.

Another ult idea could be aoe invulnerability for her entire team.

You’re delightfully full of good ideas. How does it target? Aura?

Some good ideas, but temporary invulnerablility is kind of Zarya’s thing. I don’t think mass rez could ever be truely balanced as long as it has the potential to revive four teammates to full or effectively full hp, because pros will absolutely without a doubt in mind find a way to abuse it otherwise, but that’s a discussion for another time.

Give her deathblossom apparentlly its just like mass rez according to some threads Ive seen today

Why must there be caps on likes?
Mercy’s case time during rez should be a cool dance too.

Mmmh, Yeah i guess it is similar to Zarya. I disagree on pros abusing mass rez with a cast time since its extremly predictable, but thats a topic for another thread. Maybe make it so every person Mercy wants to rez she has to charge another stack of her ult. It makes getting a 3+man rez way more difficult and most likely an unviable strategy.

Another idea for an E ability could be Leap of Faith from Priests in WoW. 15sec cd maybe? I know it has the potential to be a tool for trolling lol, but it also seems like an ability that when used properly could turn the tide of a teamfight. Maybe give it a cleanse attached to it like the pvp Honor talents in WoW, so when she pulls someone towards her to safety it removes roots, snares, stuns, etc. Im not sure if that would be to OP though, but sounds fun.

I’ve never played WoW. This is my first Blizzard game and my experience has been…


Leap of Faith is basically a Priest ability that pulls allies back to you. So if someones overextended or getting dived you can pull them towards you to safety. Or maybe Mercy can even use it to pull an ally towards her to help her against a flanker idk. The honor talent for it is basically a cleanse, so pulling someone towards you would remove a Mei freeze or maybe even pull someone out of a graviton.

WoWs really fun, especially when you find a great guild to do end game content with. However, their balancing is just as bad, if not worse then Overwatch… Honestly all Blizzard games have notoriously bad balancing lol.

While this sounds great in theory, I can only imagine how frustrating it would be for other players to be yanked out of place and lose control of their characters…

In concept art they released for Mercy it has these abilities listed:

Heal Beam

I’m curious what Salvation and Stinger are.

LOL Yeah Im not even gonna deny it, Id use it atleast once to pull my friend off a cliff with me. The cleanse would sort of help guide newer Mercy players to use it for cc instead of just willynilly. I know its probably a pipe dream, but I like to think that since Mei has her icewall then maybe LoF isnt too unimaginable.

A reverse hook? That’s actually great on a lot of levels. No cleanse attached though, peeps don’t realize it but that’s a balance trap. Leap of Faith could help clear the “boosted mercy” “no skill” whatever stigmas, counter cc on fair terms, give Mercy a fun in general toy like hook is, even make Junkrat less powerful in bronze; now THAT would be a miracle. Might be too strong though, probably would need a high cooldown or be part or a rework with single rez as the ult.

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So I had a random idea that’s kinda Mass rez but not one that’d be a real problem the way we remember it

Mass rez, Arch Angel eddition
The Ultimate makes Mercy yell out and her wings to light up showing she’s activated the power, for, let’s say 6 seconds (matchig up with Trancendance’s duration) for this duration or until 5 charges have been used Mercy has access to single target instant rez with literally no other bonuses,

So she can revive teammates for the duration of time an invuincible zen can make the team almost unkillab.e

Off healers have strong ults, main healers are better at healing at the cost of super impactful ult ( see nano vs trans)

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What do you mean by “no other bonuses?”

But you must understand, you said it

And thus summoned the horde onto your doorstep

I don’t know, that’s why we’re discussing getting rid of valkyrie

valk is actually not a bad ult, but it shouldnt be a group heal. mercy is a main healer who focuses on a single target. so instead of having group heal when using her ult, i think it is better to have a healing buff when ulting, e.g. healing 100 hp/sec

That’s a good way to make Valkyrie funner, but I suspect that the devs tried that first and decided against it. If they haven’t, that’s probably the most likely idea produced so far.

Then Mercy mains will complain about ;

" My hero is UP now , I cannot do anything by myself and I’m dead before every TF start. Because I cannot fly anymore and my auto regeneration is gone"

Valk fixed all the problems that Mercy suffers when she is getting focused, imagine now with Doomfist being viable and Hammond starting to get playable. Mercy without Valk will die more than Ana.