What if they are using BETA for placements?

It would totaly make sense right? There are so many people who are missed placed its insane. Mercy mains are placing high on dps even though they are at best gold.

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On one hand, they said that the season information will be deleted when next season starts and your SR will not be effected. On the other hand, they are severely short on data and MMR is completely hidden anyway.

I would expect that they’re still collecting MMR data during the beta, or at least entertain the possibility enough to play seriously.

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Well unless they’re relying heavily on performance stats, we’re in for the same issue we’ve been having for years, and the only thing RQ will accomplish is limiting how people enjoyed the game.


I know they said nothing counts in the BETA for the next season, by whats the point of BETA then? Why on earth wouldnt they collect some data?

Hands down biggest issue of 222 right now is unfair matches and people playing in rank they dont belong in. Solution? Reset MMR next season or … 2 weeks of placement. Otherwise the same thing will happen next season, completly broken matches. 2 weeks of placement matches or data collection should fix this problem

No matter how much everyone keeps suggesting this, it isn’t going to make more fair matches. It’s going to make far less, for far longer. You can’t fully reset mmr, even a fresh account doesn’t go into comp with no idea of MMR… it’s seeded based on your QP mmr when you start.

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The general quality of matches isnt even good for everyone. I am playing the rq beta on one of my alts which was always from 2.9 - 3.1k and i dropped 500 sr in my main role now to nearly gold. Imagine this. I have a winrate of 5% (!!!) on that account without throwing. I play as i always do.

If they use these mmr and data to place me next season with this account i will stop playing comp forever.


My SR in beta isn’t far off from last season. Match quality is far from what I would expect. 16 matches on 2 accounts. 32 games total 4 very awesome matches 28 stomps one side or the other.

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This isnt even the case for me. I was fine with the slightly lower placemetn after the 5 matches. I havent won one single match until then. The 50:50 winrate enforcement of the old mm isnt working atm. I had never such a bad losing streak before.

Honestly the amount of variance you guys seem to think there is between playing the different classes is kind of crazy. Think about it, the ranks people previously had are an amalgamation of their time playing any and all roles to begin with. They are then sorted and ranked on each role in the same way they would be sorted and ranked before RQ. I play better and worse on each role and so got placed differently in each of the three roles.

This is without mentioning the fact that things like game sense and other such skills are completely transferable. Do you honestly think someone ranked say diamond would actually be silver? I don’t

I really hope they don’t let beta season affect next season in any way. I had to stop playing comp from so many people playing heroes they’re unfamiliar with, because, “who cares? It doesn’t count”. Beta season is basically being used as toilet paper, and is going to generate unsuitable data.

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Hard Reset everything. It’s a new game now. It’s only going to be a mess if they use ANY old data.

What is with this flood of posts attacking mercy players if it’s really that common to see mercys placing well on other roles mabye just mabye your preconceptions about mercy players are wrong

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They genuinely seem to believe that and it makes no sense I had an arugement with someone recently who thinks its possible to be plat at one role and bronze at another. That’s just a laughable variation and people don’t understand gamesense alone wouldn’t allow that

No it isn’t, and your final placement isn’t going to change (unless you’ve fixed a problem in your own gameplay) - it’s just going to be more volatile for everyone for a while, and if you think it’s hard finding a fair match now just imagine the placement matches where actual top500 players are matched up with triple digit bronze.

Do really believe they’re not good shaft us again by using this for our placements😂. It’s like when they said they’d release the sombra daemon hunter skin. They’re so using it. I’m starting to think this game is a scam. The more you try the lower you go. Came back one season after trying so hard. Could play fell off the map. Diamond. This game sr system is a joke. Now I’m stuck trying to fix the systems mistakes but can’t because I’m in a rank that can’t even play properly. Great job blizz. Tune in next week to “how we gonna f**k this game and player base”

Blizzard isn’t forcing you to lose matches.

I think we are foolish to think that all of the data from the beta will simply disappear. We will never know, though.

What do you mean? All the people that suggest a full mmr reset used the bestestes math and have numbers to back that up !!!111eleven

I’m a mercy main. I won all my placements on support, got placed at my last season low.

I placed mid bronze on dps, which felt appropriate because I’m terrible – but almost all the games I’ve played as dps I’ve won, and they’ve felt easy.

Tank, on the other hand… Tank is rough.

Top 500 players will play ONE game before the system starts sticking them against each other.

It’s the 90% of players in the middle that are a jumbled mess and i don’t think the system knows what to do right now.

To be honest, i’d rather play the game like it’s brand new. The roles are new. The approach to the game is new. I don’t think the old data should even be looked at.