What if the silence is because they forgot their password?

Have you used the Workshop at all? :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh snap! I have been breached! I know too much!

Quality $$$$post. Have a (you)

We must prepare for mods arrival. They are coming for me lucky charms

I swear one of the dev posts actually mentions having account access troubles as the reason why they haven’t responded in a while

Hi everyone, this is Jeff from the Overwatch Team. So today, we’re gonna talk about how a few of our fellow employees decided to change the passwords to all of our Battle.net accounts because they wanted to, which is why we’ve decided to let them go. But not before they had to wrestle with yours truly, of course. That’s gonna do it for this developer update. We hope to see you people next time and remember to buy more bootloxes and

Moderator Edit

That would explain the recent layoffs

Edit: the mods have targeted you too!

Okay wow, that’s new. To me, at least

Why do you think I said to prepare? Scroll up I was hit too. We must unite

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