What if quickplay lasted rounds instead of just a round?

I know the name of it is “quick” but why not make it more into “Unranked” than “quick” play. I think the comp format has always been super cool and amusing to play with, except if it’s 2CP. Either way, I suggest they add like an unranked gamemode that has the same rules as comp, or just modify quick play and make it unranked based, lasting a good amount of rounds.

Why do I say this? Because I personally enjoy the multiple rounds format, but I sometimes just don’t want to play comp and try my hardest to win. What do you think?


Nah. I want quick matches and anything going over 10 minute is too long.


I think qp should stay as it is, but I wish there was an unranked comp mode as I do prefer the comp ruleset. I don’t like the horrible attitudes in comp though, I’d like to think if SR wasn’t on the line people would be less toxic.

But I think it’s a little too late to add a mode like that now. With OQ comp added, the comp playerbase is already segmented, adding this would probably just make queue times worse.


They could’ve easily accomplished something similar without having several minutes of pointless screens like POTG, card voting, and the like before going to the next match.

Instead Blizzard stuck to their guns on these systems and now 90% of people just leave instantly to get the next game. :man_shrugging:

Rounds? Like in Comp? So QP can be even more unwinnable? No. In fact, QP shouldnt have Overtime.

And you say you dont want to play Comp, but QP has just been Comp for 2 years now, and you want it to be more like Comp by adding rounds.


not sure about rounds but I would like to see it swap sides.


I also suggested a brand new game mode that’s just unranked. Either way, I do see the queue times argument

QP hasnt been chill since the OWL started. Its plagued with Comp tryhards & Smurfs, so going into that mode its either play to win, or get steamrolled.

Also, its way too late to separate QP with an Unranked mode. If anything, the Smurfs & tryhards would be in QP even more because Unranked wouldnt be winnable for them.

It’s pretty chill for me and many others; This is subjective, not factual.

I mean, what do you expect? It’s still pretty chill, subjectively speaking.

Yeah, because people don’t seem to care enough.

I’m lost, but ok.

Your argument is your view, but it isn’t in fact factual. The only point where I definitely agree with you is that it might be too late, but I don’t agree with your reasoning behind it. If anything, your argument should have just been “forced 2-2-2”, which makes sense why it is in fact feeling more like comp.

QP used to keep the lobby and put you on the other side of the map when you finished, much like Comp.
When they added 222 RQ into QP they removed this feature entirely. I wish they’d add it back.

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You play on PS4 like I do. You are lucky. Your experience is subjective.

Old QP, you know, back in old OW was fun, and fair. No Smurfs. No Comp Tryhards. DPS werent op. So, any pick worked & matches were so fair they ended in draws.

That doesnt happen anymore, either you steamroll or get steamrolled.

The Comp tryhards & Smurfs care. Or else they wouldn’t play QP exactly like its Comp. Genji wouldnt be in QP at all.

Forced 2/2/2 has nothing to do with QP being a h*llhole now. Its the players that make smurf accounts and go for easy wins, high level Comp DPS players that dont just stay in Comp, and the rigged matchmaking always resulting in one-sided matches.

If anything, mandatory 2/2/2 stopped the tryhard bs a little bit. I say that, because Open Queue is a DPS nightmare.

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I only agree if they put points for golden gun in it. Else, no

Yeah let me stop you right there. Developers are 100% against it because :

  • Serves no purpose, its redundant compared to QP
  • Splits the player base even more, which would be really bad for queues.

QPC already exists and falls under the second category but since its in arcade … it was never an issue. Afaik you used to be able to stay after the round to play the opposite side but that was removed for a reason, we already have competitive (in fact 2 competitive modes).

Don’t think its going to happen mate.

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One factor why I don’t play comp is the long matches. Not interested in that. If QP was converted. With no original option. 0% ever playing the mode. I really dispize the push payload to gold boarder junk.

It wouldn’t even work anyway. People would just leave.

I don’t see it working because more than 50% of games are roll or be rolled. The rolled team is just going to leave in QP before the 2nd round. There is no reason to stay when you can go back and queue for that 1 magical game in 20. You would then find QP players all getting even more frustrated by leavers than now.

I think it’s fine as it is when there is no purpose (no SR to try for) to the 2nd round in QP.

It used to be like this but it was very problematic. When the map changed and reversed a lot of players just left when they were in the losing team OR after they already got to play the best part (usually attack) because a considerable chunk of players only care about the gameplay experience quality

Someone link the official post about why they did this. It’s full of legit reasons

i think unranked is a good idea, but i think removing quickplay is not ideal.
however if we’re talking role qeue quickplay then yeah you can replace that with unranked.

because that’s what people want out of it anyways.

That would take the Quick out of Quickplay no?

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It was called off season
People didn’t really like it

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Is it? Where did you hear that? From all those tiny minority that play open queue?