What if OW2 is just GONE tomorrow?bonus: looking4 math=4y?

I’d cry with joy if they deleted this game. Then I could stop subjecting myself to torture.

I’d buy a huge bottle of wild turkey, and cake to celebrate.

They are not Nintendo.

They may not be Nintendo but they will surely try to shut down any private server.

Hero Mastery wasn’t discontinued. They’re still working on that for other heroes.

The Gauntlet, which uses the Hero Mastery environment has been confirmed to be going away in Season 11, because folks aren’t playing it. And honestly? It doesn’t surprise me. I haven’t even touched it once because it’s just not something that interests me at all.

Almost forgot I first met you on the dbd forums

But I’m IP banned or something from there now, so doesn’t matter :joy:

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A part of me would be somewhat sad (mostly because of all the money that’s gone to waste) but at least I’ll finally be free. I’d also look forward to Deadlock and Marvel Rivals more than I already do.

yes. please. just kill the game already

They certainly are not… none of them are.

(Respects Nintendo after Iwata took a 50% pay cut to help pay for employee salaries, to avoid layoffs.)

(If only all CEOs were like that.)

My friend group wouldn’t have anything else we all like to play and could play together, so that would suck. There are also no other games I’m interested in playing competitively.

Those things are the case because OW is so unique. It’s often imitated, never duplicated. As long as that remains true, I don’t think OW is going anywhere.

Facts. Even players that are great at CoD or some other generic shooter will get mad at this game before accepting that strategy is usually more important than being the best at clicking.

To be honest I guess I’d just be relieved to not have to open the game to check the shop for any new Sigma cosmetics because he’s my favorite hero and I don’t want to possibly miss out on any new stuff he gets. Other than that, I’m just tired of being a solo tanks so I don’t play as much. It would probably be good for my mental to take a break from the game. I used to play hundreds of hours on Team Fortress 2 before the bots got too tiring to deal with. When OW2 became free, I hopped on it instantly to replace TF2. Practically glued myself to Sigma because I thought he was a cool space guy…
But anyways, yeah, I think a “forced retirement” would help me refocus my priorities in life. Bittersweet.

Dawntrail waiting room

Early Access Launch Queue is gonna be one hell of a wait lol

They can try.
But all that will do is cause people to rebel and build more.
Like how Nintendo tried to strike down music channels on youtube and more popped up.
But why are you seemingly against people wanting to preserve Overwatch? Don’t you want generations to be able to play long after Bilzzard lets it die?

Rip Tribes Ascend , 2017ish…

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There are so many awesome games to play. Also, there will always be Overwatch emulators. The game is a classic, so it will never fully disappear.

I do. Just saying they will try everything to stop it.
Blizzard seems to be very protective of their newer games by making sure they require constant connection to be played and that players don’t own anything.

That’s something that needs to be stopped, they clearly want money power and control over the players.
But L4D2 proves it’s possible to turn a game into a “We have Overwatch at home.” Kind of game.
Time to fight back with creativity and imagination.

If Overwoke goes away all the alphabet soupers will be SOOOOOO pressed.

Shazbot indeed. RIP.