What if only WhiteHP gave full Ult Charge?

Nice change. I’d want this on the experimental card. We really need tanks to be appealing now.

Well, they are working on it.

Grey, we are getting characters of 200 HP as reference, but there’s also those with 250 HP, should we set 250 HP as reference for Tanks?
Edit: But thinking better about it maybe not, because that would mess up with Zarya and Sigma.

So people will take ults after 1000 years?

Actually ultra bad for attack

also, i see that the devs have once again disabled title emojis…but why tho

Nah I just removed it cause I plan on remaking this thread and the current thread is a bit outdated, given the current visual

i just checked while making my own thread, they removed it again

what the heck it didnt let me do it

Has to be on mobile with a [ bracket in front

only shield, armour is already very strong

it doesnt work :frowning:

i always add the little paper in front of those thread types and it keeps on saying “title cant have emoji”

but in that format i see it in the little page name minature

You did it on desktop, huh?

let me try on mobile…


I’ll start a new thread.

nope not working on mobile either

Wait, I actually REALLY like this idea.

I actually changed the idea last night but haven’t made a new post yet

Yeah, I like this idea even better. Otherwise doing damage/healing might feel meaningless at times.

It’s a concept that needs exploring. Devs have hinted multiple times that they’re experimenting with removing barriers entirely, which means literally every tank will need something in their kits that guarantees they aren’t feeding just from the mere fact that they exist.