What if Mercy healed +10 more

I’m agreeing, I was quoting Jeffree Star! xD

I was just saying that the rework was a failure and people keep using her OP state during the first stage of it or their blatant hate towards Mercy to say that it was successful.


I’d say its actually pretty good. They are normalizing range fall offs and LoS checks between abilities and bullets.

In terms of they mercy thing can you attach your beam through enemy barriers? I dont even know.

My Queen!

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That’s were your wrong.

Projectiles dont have fall off damage
Phara junkrat genji zenyatta… and now mei

What’s the point of this buff when the healing goes away once a hero gets hit for 1 point of damage?

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I think it’s pretty clear devs don’t want to bring back mass rez, or eliminate Valk as an Ult.

Doesn’t mean they can’t make things more fun though.


  • Press Q to toggle between chain beams, and focus beams.
  • Focus healing beams have 90 heals per second, heal only one teammate, and the shorter basic beam length.
  • Focus boost beams have 40% damage boost, boost only one teammate, and the shorter basic beam length.

Secondary Ultimate: Resurrect

  • Ult Charge high enough to average 5 ults per game
  • 0.5 second cast time



No thank you.


To heal make healing outside of combat less boring.

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Or just a full ramp up healing based of of how long they haven’t been in combat. I would love to see something similar to the Medics Medi-gun from TF2 and how all those numbers work.

Mercy’s not a tank healer. Its the only niche where Mercy never excelled at, i dont see why we need her to be good at everything again

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Precisely, that’s the point - up until this latest PTR patch, projectiles were consistent. Now Roadhog’s projectile weapon is having falloff added.

Just so that I’m not completely off-topic: I agree that +10 healing sounds like a reasonable buff for Mercy, not just four seconds after not taking damage. In fact, on top of that buff, let’s replace her spectator-mode ultimate with something game-changing like Resurrect, and to make it worthy of its ultimate status have it resurrect multiple teammates. :angel:

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That could work too.

Honestly 60hp/s really wasn’t a problem after all the other support changes.


The ball itself is the projectile the moment it explodes its hitscan.

Your buff will still make Mercy boring cause you have to wait 4 seconds till you can start healing people better but one point of damage makes you useless if you can understand what I’m saying.


Some people think the nerf to Mercy’s healing is what brought Ana back, but fail to realize that an instant 300HP heal with her Nanoboost is an insane buff that skyrocketed her back into the meta.


Considering Mercy’s pickrate, something had to be nerfed.

Considering before Ana’s ultimate buff which came alongside Mercy’s nerf, she only ever had to compete in the main healer slot with Moira.

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Her pro pickrate was already dropping prior to that patch, and the Ana and Lucio buffs are very substantial and make her far less necessary.

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I don’t think this game should be primarily balanced around 0.0000000000001% of the playerbase.

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