What if hack was a throwing knife?

if it scores a headshot it should also inflict every debuff in the game

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I mean you would use the invis to get into position like with normal hack, but I didnt mean that you could use it while in invis.

That’s good enough for me.

I agree that it wouldn’t solve anything, but if you wanted you could make the channel start as the projectile hits? It would be like the hack we have now, but you would have to hit it first instead of auto-locking.


You can’t give a projectile all the same penalties of a channeled ability and expect to actually function. Having to aim would need to mean no more interrupting it with damage.

I dont really get what you mean. are you saying charging the ability up (and being able to cancel it with dmg like normal hack) before launching it and having to aim it would make it too weak?

I guess its back to the thinking board.

Well is the throwing knife wifi enabled? :thinking:

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Yes, on both counts. The entire reason it’s channeled is so that they can allow more ways to interrupt it and keep it a short range. Having all the downsides of both types of attacks, channeled and aimed, would make it too weak.

Hmmm thats a good point.

Why can’t she just shoot people with an alt fire to hack them?

Hacking speed would scale with accuracy, which rewards skill. Bullet spread would prevent long range hacking. Sombra could actually inflict damage while hacking and since hacks would take slightly longer, there’s no need for them to be interrupted by Sombra taking damage.

I can’t explain how this is a bad idea. Sombra is fine.

Yeh I just see it as a making it just as easy if not easier to hack a tank seeing you can now toss it out and break los and simply making it easier for Tracer/Genji/Doomfist to avoid it.

I love this idea. It could be of similar difficulty as Sleep Dart (on a shorter cooldown ofc). Maybe even have a much longer range than Hack has now? It wouldn’t be a problem if it is so much harder to land.

IMO they should rework Sombra so Hack is just a minor part of her kit, instead of now where everything revolves around it.

As for people claiming it would solve nothing and it would be easier to hack targets:
There are ways to balance it. Like make her say something or make a sound as she shoots. People can react in that 0.5 second it takes the projectile to reach the target.

sleep dart already exist.
Also all that it is going to do is make it not worth it using it on squishes.

I agree.
Sombra shouldn’t have been created at all IMO.
Too much of a fun sucker and too little counterplay to everything she has (invis, hack, ultimate).