What if Doomfist was a support?

:laughing: Exactly! Rocket punch should be able to heal your teammates. If they get punched into a wall, instant full health plus regenerative shields for overload health, or something.

Best way to make Doom a support is leave him in the DPS que and give teammates health everytime he gets a cheese ball cc locked gank on a 200hp hero.

When I hear the idea of Doomfist as a support, I imagine all he does is uppercut his own team so they can get to higher ground.

Or he punches people with health packs :rofl:

I totally took this idea way too seriously already xD

Concept -

Early Workshop Version -

Not Cassandra Cain herself, but Lady Shiva. There was a plot point in her comic run that Lady Shiva (hinted you be her mother) wanted to challenge her to a fight to the death.

Their first fight Cassandra loss, and Lady Shiva, seeing her potential LITERALLY punches her back to life.[quote=ā€œKrak-11516, post:21, topic:495954ā€]
Also I miss Cassandra Cain.

Yo, you and me both. Gimme a BlackBat comic series. Would read about her being the vigilante of Hong Kong.

Iā€™m picturing Doomfist punching his teamā€™sā€¦ I donā€™t know, Reinhardt, for instance, so he gets propelled into the enemy team, slamming a wall and stunning everyone in a 4 m radius. Oh, and Rein has Shatter ready. This kind of ā€œteam reliant coordinationā€ is whatā€™s usually sought after. Never mind all those teammates actually getting punched to their deaths, environmental ones included.

You have another supporter :wink:

Proceeds to launch teammate into the wall and shatter their entire skeletal system


The Best Defenseā€¦
Whenever hitting an enemy with his abilities, now grants an additional 50 shield to all allies within 10m (not including himself). As shields degrade, heal the target at the same rate as their degredation (3hps)

Hand Cannon
Damage reduced by 20%. Spread angle reduced.

Rocket Punch
Same as now, but takes twice as long to charge, and damage ramp starts at 30+30. The process of charging it restores his health at a rate of 20hps.

Rising Uppercut
Capable of hitting allies. If it does hit an ally, instead of dealing damage, grants 100 shield and a 20% speed boost to them for 1.5s. Allies can ignore/cancel the knockback aspect of the ability by pressing crouch up to 3s prior.

Seismic Slam
Damage and cc reduced by 20%. If the slam hits an ally, grants them 25 shields and a 20% speed boost that lasts for 1.5s.

New Ability: Commander (Interact)
Targets an ally, and shouts to them. Grants them 20hps, 10% speed boost, and 20% damage reduction for 4s. Has a cooldown of 6s.

Meteor Strike
Unchanged, aside from providing 100 shield to allies within the impact radius (non-scaling).

Not as silly as a flying robot that looks like a medic from Star Wars being a dps

And they say
And they say
And they say
Healing is dead

Yep, I could hear that, theyā€™d have to change that voice line and Iā€™d be in.

Also, I want him to punch his allies to heal them. Everything he does should be punches and overkill actions with Hero Landing moves.

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Mine was betterā€¦

Make Slam 20 meters.

He is a support, why would he need a 20 meter slam?-

His slam used to be 20 meters. Itā€™s 15 now. It would just be more fun to play him if it was added back lol

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Go and sit
Go and sit
Go and sit
Down for healing