What I learned from Sombra in FFA

A) You cannot use stealth without being removed from stealth due to random damage, or because you take damage before you even enter stealth.
B) Tracer does more damage, more quickly, and has better mobility.
C) Hack is impossible to use once in combat.

What’s more, Sombra still cannot reload and go into stealth, or reload and translocate - which is completely counter active to her kit. Once she is noticed, she dies. She can only do anything if she gets the drop on someone, otherwise her stealth and hack become useless; that’s half her kit.

Hack needs to be fundamentally changed in the way it is applied, stealth needs to be more lenient towards the sombra - a safety net before entering stealth where 10 dmg or less doesn’t prevent her entering stealth, and also to remove the slow she applies to herself just before entering stealth.
Translocate should flat out reload her gun.


I guessing that you haven’t played much Sombra if you just coming to these conclusions now.

Welcome to the world of Sombra mains.


The QoL change to reload when translocating seems fine, the rest, hell no.
Stealth is made to give you the advantage in the opening, not to give you an escape. Even if you just run into a corner and stealth you can escape so its intended.
Your escape is the Translocator and it works fine. It has a relatively low CD and a huge window for you to do things, 20 sec. Disagree on the rest.

While I’m 100% in favor of reloading after translocating / stealth … well, Blizz can’t balance the game around FFA.

Shouldn’t Sombra’s main FFA strength come from health pack denial and playing around the hacked packs? And spotting a quick kill steal opportunity through walls?

I’m not implying she’s massively OP’d in that mode or anything (in fact I rarely see Sombra there), but wouldn’t that be the way to go? I’m just saying it seems like she has some advantages / potential there.

Yeah, it’s weird how everyone complained about her being op when she got reworked when she still basically only kinda had one midfight ability.
People are silly

The thing is, you’re playing deathmatch, and literally every other hero has a bigger gun.

Isn’t that just Sombra in general?

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You learn to work around it, you decloak ahead of time if you know there’s an enemy about to come in sight, cloak->teleport even if it’s only 1 meter so you can cloak instantly and run out the door 0.5s sooner, teleport->cloak to escape and hide while under fire, so many little situationally specific tricks you need to learn to execute instantly even tho it only works in that one specific situation in that one specific map, and you have to learn them across every map.

I actually want them to add more maps to FFA because that’s where you learn all the safe paths even if it looks like it’s in the open (That little corner gives you a narrow cover to run through during a team fight), etc.

It just becomes more apparent in FFA than in regular games as you actually see how she stacks up against other heroes. I agree with the thread about Sombra having too many delays as you can really see that she’s actually slow compared to the other DPSes.

She’s fast if you can plan your moves ahead, but if anything unexpected happens or you do the ability combo in the wrong order for the situation, you instantly get 0.5s-1s added to your action because you didn’t get a chance pre-turn, pre-decloak, pre-reload, etc. beforehand. And no amount of reflexes can make up for it.

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