I’m not sure what you are complaining about. Of course groups of platinum+silver players will have an “average MMR” in or near the gold range, and will usually be put into games around gold. What else would you expect or want?
I guarantee this is just a misunderstanding of probability and statistics. Let’s say I flip a coin repeatedly, and look at the count of heads or tails for the last 10 throws. You’ll see it cycle between having more heads, or more tails.
You have a binary outcome, whether your team or the enemy team is higher. And it’s random. So of course you’ll alternate (or cycle) between the two possible outcomes. I’m not trying to be condescending, but people mistakenly find patterns in completely random events all the time. It’s a well known phenomenon. Actually write down all the SRs for 20 games if you want, and with proper analysis you’ll immediately see there is no non-random “cycle” of harder/easier opponents.
You’ve discovered:
- You play better on your mains, and thus tend to win more.
- The basic existence of tilting and hot streaks that exist in every video game, and even real sports.
Do you know anything about sports? Do you know how players all refuse to speak to a pitcher who is currently throwing a no-hitter? Do you think that happens because they are given easier batting opponents? Of course not. Humans are complex psychological creatures. Success feeds our confidence and success further.
The same is true in reverse. Professional atheletes have bad games and slumps. In the video game world it’s usually called “tilting”. Nothing makes you tilt more than struggling and losing (like you are likely to do if you flex to heroes you are bad at). This is why EVERY game ever has had people go on huge 20+ game losing streaks, and why the common advice to “take a break” after a few loses is spread around.
A final, more humurous, point against what you are saying. If you read this forum with any regularity I’m sure you’ve seen Cuthbert’s “Handicapped MMR” threads. He, and the people who agree with him, claim the exact OPPOSITE of what you say. You say playing well means the game gives you easy matches to get you up where you should be. He says playing well makes the game “balance you out” by giving you harder opponents. Who is right? Neither. It just shows how neither of these conspiracy theories are formed from any actual testing, and y’all both experience confirmation bias on your own ideas while playing.
The vast majority of the time a stomped match has nothing to do with any match maker problems. Remember old KotH when it was best of 5? You know how many games I played where one side got STOMPED for two rounds, than reverse swept? Currently you’d just end the match as a loss as say “what an imbalanced match” but they weren’t imbalanced at all.
Small things, sometimes random, can add up to make big differences in outcomes during a game. People don’t realize how close most games are. One of my last games the other team finishes Hanamura with 4 minutes left, pretty good attack right? Except they barely got point A in overtime, after never touching it. If one fight went slightly worse for them, they end without even 1 tick. Instead, my team is tilted over our defense is crumbling, and people started fighting, leading towards terrible play and a loss. The game was easily within our ability to win, but small things caused this disparate outcome.
Phew I’ve rambled a lot. Point still remains. No such things as “forced losses”.