What heroes are we expecting with OW2?

I’m gonna say Mauga, Sojourn, and ‘Null’ (Name Pending) will be launch heroes but I’m curious as to what you guys Wanna see

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mama hong

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Sojourn… rofl. That is all I have faith in. Junkerqueen seems relatively likely.

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Lynx Africa 17

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Well, she’s set in stone since they seem to be so far along with her already.

I’m relatively convinced Mauga will be there to, considering they’ve had a lot of time to work on him since his kit had to be given to Sigma, and I guess the new Sombra and Bap interaction makes me hopeful

I am not sure but I am hoping for at least 2 new tanks and supports.

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tbh they should release the heroes they scrapped.

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2 new ones but probably won’t be more than 1 hero of each class.


After Kanezaka, I’m definitely expecting a fox-related hero

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I mean I’m all down for it, I’m expecting at least one hero we haven’t seen before after all

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