What happens when you reach level 25

But there is no time on you profile
Does the game still track your mmr for the gamemodes that dont add hours

gamemodes that give no career profile stats

Total Mayhem
No Limits
Halloween Terror

The MMR of game modes are separated from each other. Even if you played all Quick Play your Competitive MMR will be a clean slate.


Quick play MMR (but not arcade) is used to initially seed competitive MMR. This has been shown on a few different occasions by top500 smurfs like Dafran. If you don’t play any QP prior to hitting 25 the maximum SR they reach during placements is lower, and the highest you can place is 3500. If you do play QP, you can place higher.

Regardless of what you do in your qp or any other mode, you’ll start your initial placement at 2350. From there you’ll get SR (it won’t show until finishing 5 matches) and move up or down after each match.

They’ve changed placements rules internally. If you’d high qp mmr, you’d find it easier to climb. But given you’d get at least 1 smurf in every match during level 25-30, you’ll regret life choices until you drop to bronze and stay there for a while (unless you’re smurfing as well)

I’m fairly certain Quickplay seeds both Arcade and Competitive. Could you imagine if everyone, from bronze to GM, started comp playing against golds? Same can be said for arcade, but with a lesser impact. That said, I believe after it has enough data on you for each game mode, they are completely separated.

To answer OPs question, when I started a new account playing arcade, my Quickplay MMR was adjusted. This implies to me that playing just arcade would still give you an initial Competitive MMR.

Edit: scratch that, I played Mystery Heroes and you didn’t list that one. God help you if you play Junkenstein’s all the way to level 25.

your account becomes addult and now can handle all competitive stress comes

Do you have a developer statement to confirm this?

The only developer post on the subject confirms that competitive MMR is separate from that of all other modes:

So I looked into it more, and found this Initial Competitive Skill Rating, Decrypted. It goes against my experiences leveling up ~6 alts, but it’s pretty convincing.

The way it appears to work from my personal experience (anecdotal and difficult to confirm):

  • You have 7 distinct MMRs, not including the various Competitive Arcade modes:
    • Quick Play Tank/Support/Damage
    • Competitive Tank/Support/Damage
    • Role Agnostic

  • The very first time you ever play Competitive Role Queue, your MMR is initially seeded by your role-equivalent MMR from Quick Play, if available (otherwise I’m guessing it seeds you in mid gold, don’t know).

  • The very first time you play any non-role-locked Arcade mode, your MMR is seeded by your Role Agnostic MMR.
    • If it’s a Competitive Arcade mode, a new SR branch will be generated that is independent of your Role Agnostic MMR.
    • If it’s non-Competitive, your MMR seems to be shared across all role agnostic modes (probably with exceptions for unique modes like PvE, Lucioball, etc.).
    • Quick Play formerly shared role agnostic MMR with other modes prior to Role Queue but now has three of its own role-specific MMRs.
    • Since I played before Role Queue, I have no way of knowing whether role agnostic MMR can be seeded by Quick Play role MMR or vice versa.

This is 100% untrue.

No, but there is a lot of data based on top500 smurf accounts. The general consensus is that a level 25 account with no QP time cannot place above 3500, while those that do, can.

There is tons of evidence from smurf accounts suggesting this is true. Dont know what to tell you.

Only there isnt and its not.

I’ve placed a smurf account at 1k while the QP MMR was around high diamond/low masters.

I know people that have specifically tested the connection between game mode MMRs on dozens of accounts and found that qp/comp are completely separate

You can have an account place as high as possible while still having a bronze-level qp mmr. Or you can place an account in low bronze while being in the top tiers of qp mmr. Because theyre not at all connected.

There is quite a lot of evidence from top500 streamers who try as hard as possible on their smurfs that shows that an account that has leveled only through arcade cannot place higher than 3500 and those that play QP can.