What happens to the mmr of an account if you do only some placements each season?

Just wondering, I’ve seen this a few times with people who dont really play comp and Ihave an account to have matching names with a friend I keep forgetting to finish placements.

MMR consists of two different values. Value A is where the system believes you should be, and value B is how confident the system is in its prediction for A. The more games you play, the more confident the system becomes. You need, on average, ~70 games for the system to have a good confidence on your rank. If you were to play only placements, the MMR wouldn’t be able to place you very accurately. Additionally, the confidence goes down over time when not playing the game.

EDIT: I should also clarify that the higher the confidence, the less your MMR will change as a result of games (even down to 0 for some games).

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The uncertainty on the account is very high, so it can move much more than the usual 24 per game.

More detail: Season 9 Placements Analysis, High Variance Explained.

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Yeah I noticed I went from Diamond games to gold when Iater played without warmingup lol