What happened to solving junkertown issue?

Dec.20th, the map’s been disabled for 4 weeks already.

I’m wondering if it’s a fundamental issue deep in map design that’s causing it so devs can’t find it easily? Or is there something more than just “identifying and fixing the issue” happening behind the scenes?

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Overwatch 2021: Now We Take Content Away!

We didn’t know how good we had it balance and map wise back a few years ago. If you showed the game right now to a year one player it would be WOW look at all the heroes and maps…

“Ahh no those two are not in comp being the community hates them and that one’s broken…”. Then of course the heroes don’t mater being tanks can’t (and don’t) play the game much anymore and all DPS heroes that aren’t hitscan or the Lockheed AC-130 Echo aren’t really needed…

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I wish the map would never come back in comp. It is such a bad map.

yeah i didnt even know that it was removed lol
i knew a map was missing

I played QP on Junkertown many times yesterday.

Maybe Junkertown disabled your account. :joy:

Wait a minute :thinking:

Maybe it was waiting for a game in skirmish.

Very likely, I have so far not found any indication of it being back up in QP and comp. It’s still up everywhere else tho.

I mean, I have never seen any active game with a sequel in development that has less update than this. Even flipping darkest dungeon got more content than OW 2bh…

Im pretty sure its back, I played on it the other night. Maybe since I was in QPC instead of normal QP, but I can’t imagine if it was this buggy they’d leave it in arcade modes even

I have been playing qp for the last 2 weeks, 0 junkertown. I think it’s QPC, cuz their reason for removing it is “causing increased crashing”, not guaranteed crashing.

LOOOOOL bro Blizzard solving problems?

We’ve had 2 maps out of rotation for a year and they decide to make a new map first…

Some heros have had a stupid amount of bugs since their launch, Doomfist and Rein being the most notable.

I mean i could go on and on about things Blizzard said they’d do and haven’t done… it really shouldn’t surprise you, if fixing an issue isn’t going to directly make them money, they aint gonna do it.

Maybe, but it feels odd they’d only remove it for some game modes if the map is so buggy. I’ll take your word for it though!

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i was wondering where it went bc me and my friend like playing on junkertown but I havent gotten it at all the past week 1/2 even when playing almost every day for a long period of time. I dont play qpc tho just normal 222 qp