What even is this!?!?!?

…most of Brig’s kit is a carbon copy of Rein’s, just gonna put that out there.

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Now that I know she has more sustain the changes seem less significant. It makes her more able to directly defend teammates while supporting them. It’s still incredibly stupid that she can’t outright beat Tracer anymore, that seems to have been one of her biggest accomplishments as a hero was that she didn’t merely “Shoo” her away for a few seconds while she grabbed a medkit. Still a bit peeved about that but at the very least they had the foresight to make her a bit more viable elsewhere.

Late to the party my dude lol. I can’t wait.

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It is a joke of a buff to compensate for such a huge nerf tho. If they increased the healing from 16 to 20, then sure.

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Yet Tracer and Genji have some of the most forgiven abilities overall in the game. So I don’t consider them high skill as a lot of people. OW isn’t really about skill since you can barely carry in this game.

haha, the thing is, you dont own the forums bud. so i can post my thoughts on your bad opinions

I mean it’s not really instant, it has a travel time. And it’s not much more than Ana’s nade at 100 “instant healing” in an AOE, which can effect multiple targets. Although Ana’s nade has a longer cooldown and whatnot, that’s not really the point of my post.

I just want you to stop spreading misinformation, make sure you do your homework before you try to argue about balance, specifically when quoting number values.

Her biggest issue is her stun being too good, not her healing.

Leech has been around for longer than Pokemon has :stuck_out_tongue:

All of that said, I’m not sure if I agree with this change. Her intended goal is to help counter flankers, currently she has too much synergy with front line tanks like Reinhardt. I know they were also making it so brig can’t stun through shields which is already a pretty big change on its own. This change is also drastic on top of that. I would rather smaller balance changes over a longer period of time rather than sweeping changes all at once like this.

Neither I or anyone else here is going to take you seriously with that name and icon attached to it.

Nor does anyone take you seriously anymore :joy:

which they just fixed

I acknowledged that in the rest of the post man.

I’m sorry what? Reins kit is literally Brig but bigger and more lethal, except she has a heal button and a worse ult

Yea, I never understood why people keep claiming one has skill but the other doesn’t.

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