What does Sym even do?

Fight snowballer for the most part. Thing is her kit tries to do too many things at once to the point where nobody knows what on earth she’s supposed to be good at, but what she can do is swing fights into her favor when left unchecked as she did with pre-rework albeit not as strongly but at least has some mobility instead of nothing.

shes just a female form of bastion and torb. No use what so ever apart from cheap skills/kills, I could be wrong… playing something cheap is always a morale booster to the heart

Symm is good at salt…

(note this video is Symm 2.0 but I still get away with murder with new Symm)

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Her role is map and team dependent. She has a diverse kit that allows her to make creative plays. She can be a back line flanker, utility DPS, shield breaker or a space creator (I don’t think she is very good at long term area denial though).

Being a hot pile of garbage of her former self that’s her niche :smiley:

Good at looking snatched and talking down to people.
Not much gameplay wise :(.

this better be sarcasm

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she is zoning out enemies, her wall and turrets make no go or no shoot areas, she herself makes it a bad idea to get too close to her and the teleporter opens up more areas she can protect

and the right click is there so she’s not completely useless at range

Except they nerfed her turrets so that she can’t protect as many areas as she could and her ultimate it too situational. Unlike Teleporter and Shield Generator, which actually helped her fight.

Breaking choke points with tp, tank busting with her primary fire and her ult is great at creating space and denying hitscans or heals.

But also destroying bad players with Torb and Bastion they are the noob stomper trio.

Best usage I found for her is skipping choke points on attack for 2 cp. Actually pretty cheesy.

Let’s see:
She cap tp the team around.
She can contol chokes with turrets.
She can assassinate backline heroes with turret bombs.
She can spam chokes.
She does good sustained dps with Microwave.
She can lock out ranged heroes from the fight with ult.

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In low ranks, if a Rein is pushing the payload on his own she is really good.

She is also really good if the enemy ignore you for about 5 seconds while you charge up your gun.

No really, she is awful, fills no role and should have the regen time on her turrets reduced by about 50% and given 4, 3 is such an odd number.

She provides professional Hardlight Vishkar Taxi Service.

Also works part-time as an hand-held microwave in the closest hotdog stand at the end of the street.

Enabling characters with no verticality (Rein, Orisa, Bastion, Torb, Ana, Soldier, Moira, Zen, etc) to use highground, and even better, join their teammates on the highground.

On paper anyway. It seems the idea of Symm doing something on par with the average hero’s niche has the devs shivering in ther boots:

Nevermind that there’s still people who haven’t bound a useful interact key; that people never trust teleporters or take 1 second to see where it goes; or that they never look behind, let alone walk two steps backwards to use a teleporter.

For combat, she has the highest team-wipe potential with her primary than any other hero, but she has short range is is fragile, needing to be pocket healed and preferably speed boosted. When you factor in reloads, she does 171 dps at full charge. For comparison Zarya does 136 dps at full charge because she is less ammo efficient, needing to reload twice as often with a longer reload time. Against teams that know to focus her she is definitely hard to get value out of, but on the right maps where you can work angles to minimize how many opponents have line of sight on you at a time she can rip through them.

Sym is like Tarbash the Egyptian Magician

how did they nerf the turrets? they have 3000% more hp and do a bit more than twice the damage and can be placed from afar for the price of having only half of them

you know being slowed down and placing 1hp turrets in melee range after the initial batch was destroyed was so much better

This. She may not be perfect but let’s not be obtuse.

I am hoping they treat her like Mei and double down on her utility. Let teleporter feel smoother or allow her to bring out turrets more often.

The playerbase gets so afraid when they run into a utility hero and hates to see their game changing skills actually work but then they also complain about the cycle of high healing/high damage/barriers that we have to deal with in our standard hero line up. Let some heroes break the fold while making sure they are balanced and counterable.

Yes. I think many just like that idea of her putting “cameras” around the map. Sounds nice but it didn’t really match the flow of the game nearly as much as locking down areas, which she can do better now by throwing them at range.

Personally, I feel like her turrets have two negatives attached. I understand Symmetra is the “wind-up” hero and all her skills take a while to cook but the turrets could afford to lose one of their negatives.

  • Leave the activation and slow projectile speed but decrease the cooldown so she gets them in her pocket more often. Ideally, they should feel like Tracer’s dash – always available to her until she gets outplayed. Even if they aren’t that quick though, a shorter time would be nice.
  • Increase the projectile speed and leave the cooldown/activation time the same. This allows Symmetra to place her turrets where they need to be faster but still give enemies the chance they need to counter an unprepared Sym.

Having an activation time, slow flight speed and high cooldown for one of her signature skills doesn’t sound perfect, in my opinion. :slight_smile:

She owns the deed to your sorry booty like the Goddess she is.
(Weather permitting)