What does Blizzard's reporting system do exactly?

Given the amount of people who submit reports, i was wondering what does the reporting system do to trolls/leavers or people with poor teamwork.

nothing. it only silences/bans people who play torb or sym OR it punishes people who curse.

I’ve never been even warned for this

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They get a ban or a silence, depending on the offense.

If someone is avoided as a teammate too much, they’ll get a warning and if they don’t stop they get banned too. Don’t know for how long, though.

It does nothing but auto ban if you get too many reports. Apparently a million dollar company can’t hire people to moderate their million dollar game franchise.


you just havent been reported enough. give it time. you’ll curse today and 4 months later will get banned for 3 weeks because you used the f word (im serious)…


This just isn’t true. There’s litterly people in gm who q snipe streams and just shout the n word over and over again into the mic for weeks on end and Don’t get banned or punished what so ever

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then blame the people for not reporting them. the report system is some sort of automaton that listens in audio for offensive words ( the n word isnt on any filter like ggez is …) … so you blame the system for not doing something when people dont report .

Getting avoided doesn’t lead to punishment. Any punishment is from reports people may have submitted in addition to putting someone on avoid.

Well they get a warning. I don’t know what that warning leads to.

The popup just tells you that you’ve been avoided by many. It’s not warning of possible punishment.

Blizzard has an even worse report system than xbox…
but what can you expect from a company that only does everything they do for money…

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