What do you want added to the game?

That’s one way to view it but it’s not like they put it all into OW. In comparison, in 2018 they made as much as a single block buster movie like Avengers, which is all their games plus broader expansion media in television broadcasts, esports production, film, merchandising etc. I wonder how much of it does go into OW though.

I’d like to see a map editor that pairs with or without workshop.

Wrong question. Its what I would like REMOVED from the game which is a lot.

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Hats. Towering pillar of hats. :nerd_face:

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This actually isnt a bad concept. Maps with interactive environmental features would be a nice refresher while also create possibilities for new plays.


A few more maps that are a bit more diverse (not a lot of night maps/not-perfect weather), Junker Queen (a real melee DPS or a junker support, but prefer a melee DPS), and maybe a few more tanks/supports (maybe a new OW member since the last one we got was Ana or Moira if you count Blackwatch).

Oh, and more PvE missions/LORE.

I’d love 4v4 Deathmatch to be a permanent mode. I could spend every day playing that mode.

Flying robots of various speeds in the training area would be nice


Or just an updated one in general.

Mauga just because I love his character design and my favorite class is tank


Hardcore mode with friendly fire enables for the majority of the roster.

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More skins. I’m simple, I see nice skins, I’m happy.

Something that makes me feel like Pablo

there is a hero in 1 of the ow posters, right at the front centre of left. some sort of heat suit and a shotgun flamethrower design. also has flame ports on his suit, same size as torb.

  • More Tank and Support heroes
  • Day and Night cycle for Maps
  • Different types of Training Bots for the Practice Range
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Permanent (non-event based) coop mode against a bit better AI than in the events with mini bosses and stuff would be amazing.

-Interactive emote (high five)
-Domination voicelines
-an overheal mechanics different then brigitte
-Overall more interactions between heroes both at the beginning of the round and during it.


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Nano boosted BOB voice line :grin:

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Skin editor maybe.

That too.

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Hanzo doomfist widow mcree nerf, thats all. oh wait brigitte too, please take her knock back or the stun cant have two at once, they made her as a cataclysm class from wow.