🐟 What do you think is coming in the next PTR?

Likely gonna be announced this week or 4 weeks from now…Cause Archive is likely 3 weeks away.

So what do you call whats gonna be changed next?

Mercy change, Reaper change, Junkrat change. Idk what else. Preferably an Orisa buff.


What I want to see.

Symmetera Turret CD 6s.
Sym TP Spawn time 1s.

Other changes
Ana Sleep dart gets 1s reduction for every 100 hp she heals.

Mercy ressurect gets 1s reduction for every 100 hp she heals

Lucio gains passive movement speed buff of 1% per second as long as he does not touch the ground. Upto 25% passive speed buff. Resets when on the ground more more than 2s.

Reaper Life Steal 30%
Reaper Shadow Step changed to Doomfist Teleport mechanic range increased to 40m.

Doomfist gains 0.5s cool down reduction to abilities for every hero hit with an ability.

Pharah gains passive “heat” shield of 50 when not moving in the air. Is removed when she moves more than 3m in 1s.

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Announced are changes to Reaper shadow step and Symm tp target interaction with railings. Besides that i think they will wait and see how the current patch plays out.


I’d honestly love to see Shadowstep become something like this.

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Never mentioned, they said they might tinker around with it, they said this a while back too and nothing has happened.

Junkrat and Reaper changes are likely coming, likely.

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You are saying… him gaining the ability to reduce his cool downs… to every ability based on the number of enemies hit… will make him worse…

That is the first time I ever heard the argument,
“Shorter cool downs would make a hero worse!”

I misread that. I thought it meant you wanted a 0.5 second pause between his ability usage.

You might want to put a - next to the 0.5.

Fixed - 20 characters.

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It’d honestly make him more Fighting Game character-ish with the concept of positive frames. You land hits, you get frames to do more combos.

I’d like to see it, but I don’t think it’d make him as clunky as it would OP.

I 100% think it should be on the PTR though… because it’s one of those things I want to be wrong about.

Ok then, though it isn’t guaranteed to happen, regardless I appreciate you taking the time to cite the source.

Geoff said he wants some buff for Junkrat, I hope it comes with archieves and isn’t forgotten about.
Reaper’s still in an iffy spot, hopefully they’ll figure out a non-lifesteal solution.
Maybe QoL changes for sym’s TP
Baptiste tuning: Probably some nerfs
Beam-type weapon adjustments so they work better vs armor
Maybe Rein changes, only saying this cause he’s a vital tank in Goats and they’ve done some tweaking on a lot of Goats heroes lately

Mercy, Sym and Sombra Changes. Either that or one hell of angry posts on the forums.

Group emotes and emojis in chat.

Probably a Hammond shield nerf, Junkrat change, possibly a Reaper change, could be a Sombra nerf, Lucio’s boop might even go to 5 second CD now that I think about it, McCree could get a lower maximum damage on high noon… all I can really think of.

Rein and Zarya nerf after this doesn’t kill Goats.

Baptiste nerf (less healing or smaller clip size)

“Hmmm, let’s see, how can we buff Junkrat without admitting the size nerf was a mistake?”

“Let’s give him Hanzo Stormarrows, but with grenades! Shoot 6 grenades at 0.5s intervals that travel at near hitscan speed! On an 8s cd!”

Surprise D.va rework. DM is now called Shield Matrix. Everyone is now fine about shooting into a toggle shield.