What do you think causes stomp games?

I know it’s not a guarantee but the risk/cost rates seem to have changed. At least in my games they have. A year and a half ago I could push in as a flanking DPS and maybe get a pick or two, but these days it’s almost impossible if the enemy team is sticking together well. Between armor packs and bubbles and all the shields, it can be really hard to finish someone off in ways that I used to be able to just… Do.

Like the other day I was pushing a Zen as Sombra while my team was coming up from the front, so the enemy is all distracted. But their Sig turned around and gave his shield to the Zen, just barely saving his life at the last second, the engagement moves to cover so now I have all of the enemy team looking at me and I have to leave. Before Sigma that just wasn’t an option, there was no movable shield - outside of Symmetra, which moved at a steady rate so I could have kept walking and finished the Zen off, but since Sig’s shield can be placed and stays I don’t have that kind of choice.

And clearly that’s like one minor engagement but I guess I just feel like… Mmm teams that stick together and work together are given WAY more rewards than teams were a while ago. Like, the benefits are x100 whereas back when OW was like a year or two old, it was actually pretty common to have 2-3 people leave the group and go off and find their own spot, hang out on high ground etc.

Now it’s like, EVERYONE BEHIND THE BUNKER, STAT! for every match.

I understand what you’re saying. I think it’s mostly players being wiser in terms of the power of grouping up & working together. OW was a clown fiesta at launch and over time has become more and more organized, so being able to do your own thing and flank was easier.

OW2 will likely feel more chaotic with new heroes, new maps & new modes to spice things up

That’s pretty much it. I know it’s because I’ve played so much of the game and lots of people haven’t, but it annoys me to watch someone be low HP and then walk directly into a 1v6 fight and then we have to keep backing up for them only for them to do it again.

Elimination is a really good mode for training yourself to recognize when fights are winnable and when they aren’t (and how not to get deleted).

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Yeah, it’s a combined factor of practice from the player base and balance changes as far as I can see. There were a lot of choices made from there to here that added to it, but I don’t think anyone could have seen it coming really.

IDK I’m not putting my faith in OW2, I feel like that’s what Blizzard wants us to do for their own benefit when they aren’t investing enough time and energy and money into the first game. Like if a kid in my class asks for a second project when they haven’t even started finishing the first, I don’t go ‘Yeah sure bud add to that workload!’ y’know.

Total luck of synergy between a team’s heroes.

If we’re talking about a totally, or near enough completely balanced game, more often than not, one team has heroes in their roster that work better together than the other.

It’s just total luck that you get teammates that play heroes that work well with the heroes you play. It’s a total dice roll.

Also, people on one team could just be having a good game.

The smurfs the poor mmr system and most importantly, the forced 50/50 winrate.

The game will put you against anything just to make sure you will lose when you get on a winning streak, completely ignoring the quality of the matches.

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A combination of tanks, ults and supports. You lose a first fight badly and overfeed, chances are you’re going to lose the second one if the enemy has managed to farm an ult or two and you have nothing to counter it.

It also doesn’t help that the leading team gains their ults faster which just creates additional snowballing.

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Bad synergy
Good teamplay just outright wins games.

If you already falling behind and falling apart your team need reset properly, but that rarely happens

Oh and bad matchmaking

Many things. Like way too many.
The list is as extensive as including mood, previous losing/winning streaks, actual time of the day for some, even coordination between members on a skill level (having 6 “aim” guys vs 3 aim guys and 3 game sense guys makes a stomp).

And sure, bad matchmaking happens sometimes (well a lot in RQ). When you have low gold tanks vs their high plat tanks its a clown fiesta.

Many variables:

  • Play-styles: some times it just comes down to opposing teams having different play-styles and one of them happens to be the others worst nightmare.
  • Synergy: One team could just be syncing extremely well together. Either that or the team getting stomped has below average synergy.

I don’t think there’s a single, tangible reason that some games are one-sided in the OP is wondering, but this post probably encapsulates the closest approximation. Momentum is a really big deal in Overwatch

Most of the time is when the losing team starts to worry more about finding someone to blame for the prophetic loss than tinkering a way to turn the tables on the enemy team.

The moment i start hearing or reading someone in my team pointing fingers and saying someone isn’t carrying their weight, it’s the moment I perceive most teams crumbling unto themselves.

A big list really. In no particular order:

  • Smurfs
  • Boosted players (and purchased accounts)
  • People who are rusty
  • Uncoordinated 3+ stacks
  • People trying heroes that they’re not used to
  • Multiple onetricks on heroes that have little synergy or are hard countered
  • Crappy matchmaking?

Most of those are pretty typical, but the more there are the more stomp potential there is.

Oh my god, this is too real. And you only get handicapped harder when grouped up in my experience.

There’s something wrong if your team game is actively punishing people wanting to play with friends. My boyfriend basically never plays OW anymore because when we play together the matches are observably more stacked against us than if we solo queue. Being able to see that happen consistently is beyond frustrating.

I hear ya but I don’t feel the same. We got 4 years of free content after OW launched, so I’m not sure where the “not investing enough time energy & money into the first game” sentiment comes from, this isn’t the 1st time I’ve heard that. Everything from new maps, modes, heroes, cosmetics, workshop, while you wait, role queue, events. I’m not at all disappointed with what I got for $60. I can’t think of any other game that has provided as much content post launch for the same amount of money, that I’ve played anyways.

Definitely looking forward to OW2. Every new hero map & mode is going to be sweet, and I’m looking forward to super overpowered fun ability alterations in the story mode, and hopefully some AWESOME cinematics because that’s what Blizz does best.

Pretty simple answer: lack of discipline

OW isn’t just another run of the mill shooter. The game demands way more teamwork, way more coordination, and way more tactical knowledge than most are willing to put in. Most think that their ability to aim well should be enough to win them games in the one game it simply isn’t. What’s worse is those players refuse to learn to accept those boundaries and repeatedly beat their heads against a wall wasting everyone’s time including their own.

Its the reason you still see self staggering for full duration of games.

Its the reason you still see stubborn one tricks.

Its the reason you still see people with zero awareness of their surroundings.

Its the reason you still see players on roles playing those roles so poorly that its almost not even a competition.

Bad matchmaking

20 charatcers

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Bad MM doesn’t really fix the majority of players fundamentally not understanding the type of game they’re playing.

Everyone in a match is usually at the same rank. If it is one sided, something is off. There shouldn’t be players that are objectively better than others by large margins, since its all the same rank.