What do you do for fun in overwatch?

I think it came too late (just like LFG). If it would have been implemented from the start or at the least the moment that the arcade was implemented, it might’ve kept a larger playerbase. I think the really casual crowd who like such fun modes already left the game by the time it was implemented.

I mean, you’re right, we would’ve been better off if the browser was around at launch, but Custom Games were around before the Game Browser. I spent 99% of my time in Halo 2 and 3 in Custom Games without a server browser, so I’m just a bit disappointed nothing came of a similar system in Overwatch.

Well yeah, gaming culture in general changed quite a bit in favor of automated queues and server browsers. And those custom games in OW were very limited regarding modifications at the start if I remember correctly. You could only play the standard modes + skirmish and could barely change any parameters. If my memory serves me right at least.

I spam dead memes until everyone inevitably joins in on the cancer.


die & lose a lot of games.

thats fun right?

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I enjoy fishing in Rialto. :sunglasses:

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Play Mercy in quick play when we have 5 dps and never heal anyone.
I’m not healing a team that’s gonna lose before the round even starts, and it’s funny watching them struggle when they could’ve switched and solved the problem on their own. It’s not only entertainment, but its a test to see if people will switch or not. If they don’t well, that’s their problem, not mine.

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It doesn’t happen very often, but when enough of my friends are on to make a 6 stack, we play Misery Heroes. We go into QP, and we go down the line alphabetically and that person chooses who everyone plays for that map with no changes, even if we are hard countered. It is amazingly fun to play troll comps or all healers and a genji or all tanks and an Ana or whatever.

It is also wonderful to make my friend who can’t play a certain large Aussie for her life play Hog. :joy:

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Play Support Torb… oh wait :disappointed_relieved:

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Click heads.

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stuff like this (i have more but this is the best example)

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QP. Sometimes arcade and sometimes costum servers. I also train vs AI for a short while every session, practice my aim.

Win games, execute roles, play around synergies, t-bag to encourage opponents to focus, execute combos with good teammates, give shotcallers to teammates who play heroes they can play properly, sportsmanship to those who play heroes they can’t play at all and then give them the avoid treatment to hard-counter and stomp them in the next game. You know the usual stuff a proper player does :slight_smile:

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I play with people from my friends list.
If it weren’t for them, this game wouldn’t be as fun.


Close the game and boot up Siege.

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anticipating a good game.

That’s pretty much all the fun i have right now.

starting a game and hoping that it’s a good one. Which usually it isn’t. But that brief 2 minutes of que time when you don’t know how it’ll turn out is wonderful.

or if you 6stack with friends.

I play Mystery Heroes. Strange, I know.

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I play and maintain my 3-year-old preset in the custom games. Pathetically due to the ridiculous bug, it was “locked” (grayed out).

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Playing ranked, one tricking Bastion all the time. And don’t forget memes and stuff.

i have the most fun not playing ow but other funner more balanced games