What do Symmetra need?

unless I’m misinformed, last I checked, junkrat had flat splash damage rather than a radial falloff

yet you’re the one that was claiming mcree would be missing enough (cause <50% accuracy) for shield regen to matter and somehow would even out with sym orbs’ inconsistency… yet when I bring in typical accuracy of orbs which disproves such “evening out” suddenly accuracy’s pointless :thinking:

this reeeeeaaaaally makes me question how much sym you have played or bothered to learn. like firing orbs is pretty much the thing she can always do and with how current tp works and the fact that primary is 12m, is often the only thing she can do for most of the match time. like if a sym wasn’t firing orbs much at all, either it’s double shield meta where sym can w+m1 all day, or she’s afk/throwing.

Furthermore, smaller orbs are only really used for trying/praying to secure a kill when the target is out of primary’s reach. with at minimum 0.25s between shots each when each lowest charge shot probably deals <20 damage, it really isn’t worth it and often not done (legit mercy pistol or lucio m1 performs better because better fire rate, faster projectiles, can even headshot, and probably even larger hitbox size tbh).

Like a widow can spam low charge scoped shots too but is that going to match a weapon like mccree’s? obvs not.
is it viable/effective to do so? hardly.
same logic for sym orbs.

Heck low charge scoped spam would likely do better than sym low charge orb spam too since at least widow’s is hitscan i.e. can’t be retroactively dodged when fired unlike sym’s slow orbs i.e. more consistent to land.

ok time to nerf widow’s and hanzo’s weapon fires to be more insonsistent like sym’s orbs because they can just spam them right? :thinking:

you’re really downplaying how projectiles being slow make them inconsistent to land. like if you see an a shot from the enemy slowly flying towards you, you’d dodge it. And if it’s slow enough for you to have the time to move away, you’ll dodge it no matter how well aimed or how much prediction went into that shot.

Again, 15m away —> orbs give enemies 0.6s to dodge (can move 3.3m)
25m away —> 1 whole second (can move 5.5m)
30m away —> 1.2s (can move 6.6m)

And to bring in echo’s m1: 45m away to give enemies 0.6s to dodge them.

Like if lag, monitor refresh rates, etc. that’d be as delayed/large as a whole second behind, which devs to a significant degree don’t have control over, are grounds for such an inconsistent ranged weapon fire on a hero that doesn’t have the tools to get herself in its effective range often enough, then hey I guess it’s time for a global mobility, hitscan and/or projectile speed to apply the same standards to everyone and not just sym.

so following from your choke situation: sym on 1 side of choke with turrets on choke and same side as sym, mccree or another ranged hero (which is most of the cast) on the other side: are turrets contributing there? NO. They have to walk past turrets to get LoS for them to start contributing. for many of the ranged, they don’t have much incentive to go past. Some even have enough mobility to zoom past turret range letting them pretty much ignore them after.

Such an interactions aren’t limited to turrets on chokes. it applies to any passive placement, which because of the now guaranteed 12s down time, is often the only kind of placements you have available.

Hence my rhetorical question, was I really excluding much when talking about her weapon?

aside from taking less time to trigger, it literally functions the same way as shield hp regen. both need to wait X seconds of not taking damage to start. Both get cancelled upon taking damage. ._.

does sym have quick mobility escape every 2s to get behind cover to utilise regen and be able to quickly get back in? no

does sym maintain her charge long so she doesn’t have to hard disengage unlike zarya? no.
does sym have 400hp to have more leniency with disengagements? no

does sym get access to 2 barrier type abilities to literally force not taking damage for X seconds to trigger shield regen whether if they just want a bit extra or as they go for hard cover? no.
can sym soft disengage like sigma as you described above? no.
she has to completely disengage adding more hero down time to use hers on her already high down time from lacking the sufficient tools to get in and out of her effective range. this same very constraint that also limits whether she can even go for the hard disengage if she chooses to.

That’s my point. Other regen heroes have better accessibility to it to actually meaningfully use it.

If sym had a more frequent tp, at least she’d be more like mercy in having more on-demand mobility to get out for regen and then come back in. If her orbs were actually mid-ranged, her contribution and overall down time wouldn’t be so poor because she’d be able to more meaningfully contribute from mid-ranged and not rely on a m1 opportunity to be delivered to her on a silver platter when her tp is down.

how is it irrelevant? you’re saying sym should be fine with just regen and a really really long guaranteed down time mobility with 2s delay, and simply decisions just need to be made, yet various other heroes don’t need to make as hard decisions for the same goal while also still being able to perform better:

  • heroes with passive regen have better access to them to let them not need to hard disengage like a sym would and have more agency around it unlike a sym,
  • heroes like mccree, ana, zen, widow, hanzo, etc. have longer ranges so they don’t need to be as close to operate and wasd is mostly enough mobility for them to get in and out of effective range while staying fairly away from danger. even when grabbing health packs, they aren’t as fussed about staying too long away from the fight due to longer effective ranges unlike sym.
  • heroes like echo, mercy, tracer, df, sombra, genji, df, etc. have enough mobility for their shorter range to do their job and some even having sustain abilities to let them not spend too much time away from the fight for recovery. even their mobility lets them spend less time to grab packs too. unlike sym.

lucio doesn’t entirely lose his aura for guaranteed 12s when amp goes down unlike tp. Not to mention a significant portion of how lucio gets around is his wall ride too unlike sym and her tp.

1s charge up and 0.25s wind down for an at most 90 damage orb that can’t hs yet we have pharah and echo having like >=120dps with likely about the same range and more fire rate? like that doesn’t really make sense tbh. like if a weapon has a sniper-like charge up, you’d want to it to be more sniper-like (i.e. more bursty and having more effective range) otherwise it’s not rewarding.

i.e. if it takes as long as a sniper to charge, you’re going to have to aim it rather than just generally spamming it because you’d want to land it. it’d feel really terrible if what you shoot doesn’t do much damage after all that effort to charging aand aiming it or if the shot travels so slow that your effort in aiming it diminishes to nothing because the target was simply like >15m away who can retroactively dodge them if too slow. esp when there are various other heroes with higher fire rates, hitscan/pseudo hitscan and can either more do more burst or do more sustained damage.

no I think speed was increased because it’s meant to be aimed and not mindlessly spammed. as alluded to above, it doesn’t make sense to have a weapon that has sniper-like charge time, yet have hardly any of the benefits of one. like at least make it mid-ranged like pharah rockets (i.e. around 30m/s projectile speed) so it’s not so easily retroactively dodged → making aim matter more.

Just out of curiosity, do you think a “wall” ultimate makes sense for a damage character like Symmetra? The only other passive damage character ultimate is Widow. Should it all be revamped?

I think Symmetra needs more turrets and a shorter TP cooldown, that’s it. Her damage is there, she just doesn’t have enough time/space to deal it. More turrets = more slow + more distraction for the enemy

lmao the irony is sym 3.0 rework was to make her less team dependent yet she is more now. It’s unreal. They frankly need to just completely give her a new primary that FITS her current kit design and stop trying to pigeonhole old charge up mechanic on a new reworked hero. Or just flat out remove the charge up mechanic and make it a flat 140 damage(equal to her orbs) or something. Also it blows my mind how consistently the symmetra community has ignored these last two years how broken literally broken her orb splash damage is. It should be doing a flat half damage on any person the splash damage hits. That would make her kit so much more dynamic and open up more playstyles. As it is now, the splash damage is a useless to try and utilize. They were lazy with the rework and slapped on the splash damage radius damage reduction algorythm they used for junkrat mine when they changed it. The problem is the size of the AoE are different and it’s not viable to transfer it over to Sym orbs unless they increased the AoE size probably it would take as much as doubling the AoE size for it to be a legit design mechanic.


I don’t even know that’d do the trick either. like I said earlier (I think, been in too many sym threads), sustain weapon --> need more time in its range to get value let alone get in that range in the 1st place. which isn’t going to really happen unless she dyes her hair pink and hits the gym :rofl:

but yeah her primary is just a mess. like I wouldn’t mind if is that situational as long as her orbs were actually better suited for mid ranged with better/more independent tp and while her primary is left to be a finisher except one of those blue moon situations where you get pocketted for it.

Totally agree with primary, but it’s a easy massive way to suddenly make her primary useful way more often vs almost never being used. What would that take to change nothing. They don’t need to actually use two braincells to make a new viable primary. Just remove charge and change based damage figure. That’s where I’m coming from. But don’t get me wrong she by all means needs a reworked new primary.

I don’t think the sym community realizes the value her orbs actually would have with functional splash damage. It would completely change the hero. She would hardly even need to use her primary then. She is completely designed to setup on a flank high ground or any high ground since she has a tele to get to hard to reach places, secure it with turrets, maybe even reposition tele on that high ground to give and escape or straight to a health pack and then spam splash damage orbs on enemy from behind, 60 or now 70 splash damage per hit would make her quite dangerous to the enemy team as threat needing to be addressed. That would make her a great diversion with good survivability because the enemy is engaging her on symmetras terms with escape tool, and turrets around her. That would take pressure off of your team since some of the enemy has to come after you and you could probably easily on sym pick off someone before then if they even come after you at all otherwise that sym would be very detrimental to the enemy in forcing a wipe on them. Would be a very strong viable way to play symmetra that I think would be the new standard to play her. Not only that it would make Symmetra strong again but in a different way. Would actually make sense for her 3.0 hero design, even her wall would be more useful then. It’s such a small broken thing in her kit that if addressed would completely change the hero. I just don’t understand how the sym community doesn’t realize how such a massive thing this tiny lazy design flaw on her kit is. Who would even care about her primary and close range engagement then. Even her nerfed turrets and other nerfed areas of her kit. That alone would bring her back from the brink in a massive way. I’ve said it since start of her 3.0 rework but no one seems to comprehend this. Haven’t seen literally one person mention her orb splash damage in two years except me.

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they ran out of idea so they just swapitty swap the ability just like they did with torb and mercy who got their ult as E, how creative right? and dont get me started with Echo was made a dps coz her ult suits dmg bullcrap, if that was their running logic, symm should have been made a tank like hello blizz do you even logic?

I don’t think she’d need her damage lowered, personally. It has a charge time, has a precise aim and tracking requirement, a limited range, and doesn’t deal crit damage. Why could Soldier deal 160 DPS (320 headshots) from a much greater distance when Symmetra would have to take a lower damage when she can only deal 180 DPS from 12 meters after like 2.6 seconds? The limitation is already imposed. If she can track you for nearly 3 seconds to fully charge her gun and you can’t kill her, what happens after that is on you.


I like reading your posts, but I wish you would break them up into more paragraphs please. I just have hard time reading the huge walls of text :pleading_face:

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Soldier has bloom and a MUCH smaller hitbox btw

Fair, but he also has all the tools to deal with that and you can just tap the fire button instead of holding it to mitigate his weapon spread. He also has unlimited mobility and a self-heal.

Their roles are definitely different, but the point was lots of characters can deal more damage than Symmetra can, faster, and from a longer range with no real downsides. If we gave all the long range heroes like a reverse fall-off so they were weaker up close, I could understand making Symmetra a little weaker for added range, but there’s really no good reason to make a character with a hard weapon limit that can’t crit any weaker for like 2-3 more meters of range.

For context/numbers:
Pharah is 160+ DPS with splash damage. Echo is 153, but with the ability to headshot.

At 140 damage per orb, Sym does 112 DPS. At 90 per orb, she’d do at most 72 DPS, the third lowest in the game after Moira and Winston, respectively.

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All splash, or explosive damage has a set range that decreases the further from the explosion of the projectile. Explosive or splash damage registers the full damage from both the splash and the impact damage. Junkrat’s included; his explosive damage ranges from 10 to 80 damage.

I meant in terms of peaks/valleys situations instead of averages. Sorry, I wasn’t clear.

20 damage is the bare minimum, 10 damage splash 10 damage impact.

Lucio’s projectiles are pretty large, can’t say for sure whether they compare to Symmetra’s, but Symmetra’s uncharged orbs are probably larger, if the not the largest projectiles in the game.

As for headshots, faster projectiles, etc. Symmetra’s orbs are, again, not her only source of damage, nor is their damage fixed at a specific amount. This is not a hard concept to understand.

There are situations where Widow will fire a full charged shot and then immediately fire a smaller shot to “double-tap” to finish off a foe. Ashe does this as well. Likewise, Hanzo can rapid-fire his arrows for partial damage if in close quarters or if needed. The option is there, even if it’s not always viable, it’s not quite the same logic when it comes to Symmetra, again. Symmetra has more options.

This borders on hyperbole at this point, but I’ll humor you and elucidate why Widowmaker doesn’t do this.

  1. 12 damage
  2. Big red laser

If you don’t understand it yet, then there’s not much I can do to help you other than wasting more time on something trivally obvious.

Bad logic. Symmetra isn’t a sniper, nor is she limited to one singular option.

No, I’m not underestimating it. I think you’re thinking 1 second is longer than it really is, or just have a difficult time conceptualizing how time and game pacing works.

This is more hyperbole.

This is a weird statement to make. While it is partially true, the idea that enemy heroes don’t have an incentive to go past the choke point, is really reaching. At some point in every game, every hero will cross a choke point because they have to. There is an objective they have to reach, if not them, then others in their team. This is not a hard concept and it creates plenty of incentive. If they don’t push past, that’s good for you, you win the match. Passivity on offense is good for defense.

Sure, they may be alternative routes to get to the objective, but that’s not a failing on Symmetra. Symmetra, like other heroes can only cover so much. There’s not much complain that Junkrat’s trap only works on one target at a time.

I’m not even sure what it is you’re complaining about here. You have team, you’re not an island, there’s only so much one hero can do. Try to understand that instead of reverting to hyperbole.

Not the same thing if it operates differently or is called something different. Mercy can regenerate 199 points of her health bar. Shield heroes don’t get that much recovery.

Another bad argument. Does Genji? Does Pharah? Does Junkrat? Does Widowmaker? Hanzo? Bastion? Ashe? No. Ergo they’re in a similar position and we should make it so everyone has Mercy’s escape flexibility.

I’m not even sure where you’re getting 2 barrier type abilities from. Symmetra does have access to a 4000-point barrier as a ultimate which is about 4 times stronger (give or take) than any other barrier in the game, and covers a lot of space.

This is more hyperbole and fails to take into account natural cover existing on every map in the game. Makes up silly statements like a lack of sufficient tools to get in and out of her effective range, failing to consider similar challenges for other heroes (how does McCree get so close to execute FTH and Flashbang, or safely position for Deadeye?)

Still ignoring similar situations presented that other heroes have to contend with. What happens when Junkrat doesn’t have a way to disengage when both charges of mines are on cooldown. Grappling Hook for Widowmaker, or Biotic Field for Soldier?

You keep forgetting details here or simply glossing over them. Mercy has guardian angel to help her perform her job. Regeneration is a passive defensive option for Mercy’s defense. While GA can be used to escape danger or damage, it is primarily used for Mercy to do her job in performing effective triage.

Symmetra’s teleporter IS NOT RESERVED EXCLUSIVELY FOR HER. You need to understand that everyone can use Teleporter - not just Symmetra. That means that it has additional drawbacks such as a longer cooldown especially since the teleporter is permanent until destroyed, whether by the creator or by the enemy. The ability to instantly travel 30 meters to any vertical or horizontal for every character in the game is a huge deal.

For use as a defensive tool, the ability is not nearly as limited in terms of defensive options as other abilities in the game. Baptiste’s only form of self-healing is limited to a 13 second cooldown. Soldier, likewise, has to contend with a 15 second cooldown. Reinhardt cannot stop his mobility option, which also doubles as a offensive tool. And McCree has no defensive option against long range; for him, it’s kill or be killed - which fits his archetype perfectly.

This is some seriously specious reasoning.

Smaller projectiles, less likely to hit - especially in the case of Echo.

If you want Orbs to be like a sniper shot, you have to make them smaller, much smaller.

This is rambling, and barely coherent.

It’s meant to threaten space. The slow projectile speed and the largeness of the projectile mean it threatens it’s trajectory longer than other projectiles. The basic mentality is that it’s dangerous to travel in the direction of that projectile, lest you take (severe) damage from it. It’s meant more for suppression and containment, much the same way Orisa’s large ammo size and Bastion’s sentry damage are suppressive, and not intentionally meant to kill, but to will do so if needed.

This is the last time I reply to you or this thread. The points have been debated to the point where there’s no further need to debate it any further. You’re struggling to make relevant arguments without resorting to hyperbole, and you seem to lack basic understanding of some of the other heroes.

Symmetra produces plenty of damage from several sources and her key traits - like many defensive heroes - is in controlling and denying space. Photon Barrier does a pretty good job of this, but if Blizzard wanted to eliminate or downplay the need for barriers, it wouldn’t hurt for Symmetra to get a new ultimate (another non-damaging one would be just fine). Not every damage hero needs a damage-based ultimate; and I’m sorta glad that Blizzard is looking at other ideas for creating ultimates that provide some team utility instead of just doing more damage.

Putting more turrets out there would certainly help with the control function of her kit, but it wouldn’t necessarily increase the slow as Blizzard will tune the Sentries so that they always provide the same conditions as they currently do. More targets does help Symmetra, however, but I don’t think she needs it.

It’s more about effective DPS, rather than total DPS. Sym has a very forgiving hitbox and a lot of ammo when tankbusting. Also, iirc, she isn’t affected by armor as much as Soldier is which makes her melt tanks faster

The problem, I find, isn’t necessarily with tankbusting (although they tend to kill her quickly as well), but being able to defend herself from most of the DPS cast. Her duel potential with most other heroes is low. She has no mobility, a limited range, a huge hitbox, and only 200hp. Her alt fire is okay at best, but really relies more on constant spam through chokes or your opponent being bad.

It’s theoretically a powerful, flexible weapon. In practice, however, it just doesn’t pan out.

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What do you think she needs? I don’t think she needs more damage or range, I think she would make some heroes obsolete with either of those buffs. I think they need to improve her niche, not her generality.

of which would apply to orbs too. even more severely because again, they’re slow enough to reactively dodge in many ranges.

so sym’s uncharged spam (at around 13s towards the end for finishing pharah; It’s a terrible old highlight) https://streamable.com/lb0k8l

and lucio’s m1 (might want to set to 0.25~0.5 speed because his projectiles are twice as fast) - YouTube

and sym’s uncharged orbs are soooo much larger?

it’s the same logic for uncharged orbs :expressionless:

May I remind you that you were one saying to use uncharged orbs as the solution to attain comparable damage dealt to mccree’s weapon or torb’s weapon from range despite how:

  • uncharged orbs don’t affect projectile speed (you can even see in my clip that the only reason pharah died was because she wasn’t even looking for the orbs and just flew into one)
  • is smaller in size
  • while also dealing less burst and less dps (even going by your quoted 80dps, that’s already without taking into account inconsistency of orbs)

I also find it funny how you later say “Smaller projectiles, less likely to hit - especially in the case of Echo” but when it comes to sym’s uncharged orbs it’s a whole new world or something.

average hero movement is 5.5m/s i.e. you move 5.5m in 1s. that’s well beyond the 2m splash radius. even at least 1m longer than the diameter if you really want to meme an dodge orbs by going from side to the other.

if targets a given that leniency to dodge at 25m away, is it really that good of a mid range weapon fire?

you’re the one that said orbs being that slow causing its inconsistency is fine because of “internet speeds being what they are, and host of other factors (lag and latency, monitor refresh rates, human reaction time):eyes:

yeah at SOME point. i.e. can zone out the sym 1st or better yet kill her 1st from range (if you’re hanzo, widow, ashe, etc.) while still out of los of turrets before advancing.

if got her low enough, she’d be low and need heals behind cover (regen–> >3s out, if need health pack then longer), then that frees up time to go past turrets without sym involved (tho if you’re a sniper, you probs wouldn’t want to yet and keep holding choke sightlines which’d continue to zone sym out).

again the point here is that turrets don’t add much to justify orbs being so inconsistent. an genji can literally dash through turrets and clear them out for the team easily. same with tracer, ball, sombra, etc. This isn’t even going into how a little (and not exaggerating here, legit need just 1 person to go destroy turrets as the tank or whatever bulky thing tanks them) teamwork make light work of turrets. like such turrets are not that significant enough to make having 30~35m/s orbs with around like 120damage, i.e. actually make them midranged, unreasonable.

so you’re saying a hero with a hp distribution of 1hp 199 shields has to exist before you’d consider mercy’s regen comparable to shield hp regen?

rmb barrier and grasp… both mitigate damage on regular cd…

except none of their mobility or sustain are on a serialised high cd. does junkrat mines (both), or widow’s hook or biotic field only start their cd when the hero has hard disengaged?

for sym’s tp, it is or sym hardcommitted to a particular use case for at minimum 12s where she has neither an engage nor disengage. More if during the uptime of tp it’s not actually being used (yet).

apply that kind of cd to any shorter ranged heroes’ engagement + disengagement abilities or even for tanks’ barriers, and see how detrimental it is to them. easily and quickly destructible or easily escaped turrets do no compensate that, and neither does having slow orbs. nor a primary that’d need a team pocket to use outside of a finisher.

25m/s with 1.25s between shots means >25m between them. that’s a lot of space between them to “threaten space”. if the orb size was large enough to not make that an issue then it’d work but at that stage it’d be oppressively large.

inb4 “uncharged orbs”: even if you shoot like 0.5s between shots, that’s like 25% charged orbs, dealing something maybe like 30~40 damage per orb (? we don’t know if it’s linear or not). even if they will have 12.5m between them, that’s not very threatening to really zone much esp since they’re smaller.

if “threatening space” really was the goal, it’d make far more sense to have a higher fire rate with while needing to reload more and not have charge time at all. that way linear shots would actually cover an area unlike now where people would just side step orbs when fired like 20m or so away. a hitscan weapon would likely give more suppression compared to current orbs because it’d more consistently land to threaten you into cover away from its sightlines.

A quicker / less clunky teleporter placement.

Also I personally wish her wall had less HP, but more duration.

Buff dva

1. 250hp.
2. Piercing orb.
3. Auto lock beam during her ultimate.
4. 3 more turrets and cd is reduced to 6 seconds.
5. Ultimate snares enemies if they pass through the wall.

She doesn’t need much. Just respectful buffs these “Developers” keep holding her back on.

Her ultimate is very good and unique. I think it’s fine with her as a character