What characters are you excited to get more lore in OW2?

I’m excited for Sigma, I love his lore, and I want more, but I am also excited for Zen lore. He deserves it.

Also, Give us Pin-yatta Blizzard! I know you are hiding it from us!


Zenyatta for sure - I want to know what McCree is doing after he brought back Echo - I want to know what Hanzo is doing after realising Genji isn’t dead - I want to know what Reaper is up to with Talon and why he betrayed Overwatch - I’d love some Moira and Sigma lore too!

Actually, I think I’d love lore for all the characters, there’s so much potential with every single one of them :sweat_smile:


for me I really really want them to delve into what’s going on with the trio: 76, Reaper, and Ana

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I don’t think Hanzo will join Overwatch or Talon, he probably will be more like an anti-hero.

For Sigma, he probably will be more insane in OW2, Moria is there, after all, and you know how she like human expirementation.

Imagine Hammond and Winston meeting again.

I’d imagine that they would start chasing after them, and Reaper wanting to fight them, but Doomfist is like “you are needed elsewhere”

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I really want to see more stories about omnic consciousness development/omnic factions.
I’d like to see more countries in the roster, more about climate change/omnica corporation and to see giant net of connections around the world that Sombra (or others) created (although I’m sure they’ll just use tropes and generalize everything).

What about certain heroes, I would like to know more about Reaper/Soldier revenge intentions/Sombra global conspiracy/Junkrat treasure/Junkrat point of view/Vishkar structure and main goal/pattern of actions (it’ll certainly tie to symmetra/sanjay)/more Talon conspiracy reveal (all Talon members seem to have unknown intentions/thoughts. like Amelie, she starts to feel again or not? what’s her motivation??)/world opinion about monkey rebel on horizon lunar colony (winston should be a wanted criminal even before OW), and more about animal rights/more about Helix, to describe pharah intentions/how doomfist gauntlet was created/who imprisoned Sigma, after all?


I want more Junkrat lore, but as papa Jeff said they can’t expand lore on everyone and he even used Rat as an example, I’m still excited for OW2 but less enthusiastic

I’ll try to find the interview but essentially they’re focusing more on the “overwatch” story


I wanted to learn more about opposition factions other than Talon, such as Null Sector and Helix. We are getting some big Null Sector development, now I just wanna see more Helix.


At this point a single reference to Pharah would be nice.

Genji, there’s not enough on him :heart_eyes:

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Please apply to write for Overwatch.


Widow for sure. For how tragic her backstory is, the ramifications have mostly been imagined, and she was often unsympathetic when onscreen because none of her tragedy was present, just her as killer.

This is the perfect chance to expand her backstory and build to that redemption arc I’ve dreamed of for so long!


Well, more Hanzo. We know his origin story and that he met his brother again but we don’t know where he is in his journey of redemption/self-discovery, there is only a single panel in a Christmas comic where he is looking at a cake. Also he is very unlikely to join Talon, given the interactions with Doomfist and Widowmaker. Hoping for a similar entrance as his brother in the OW2 reveal trailer.
I want to see the first meeting of Sigma vs the Overwatch.
Hoping to know more about the Omniums, especially the one making Gwishin in Busan.
I want to know what happened in Switzerland.
Something more about Operation White Dome and this mysterious Sarioglu.
I want to know more about Mako/Roadhog. Dude was able to destroy, with some rebels from the Outback, an entire Omnium factory. Also I want to know how they connect to the rest of the characters (probably through the relation Hammond-Winston).
I want to know more about these God programs that were isolated by OW.
To know more about Sombra and the Conspiracy, the mysterious Omnic artifacts.

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There is only one God Program, and it’s Anubis. I don’t know if there were other programs like this one, but God Program is an alternative name for Anubis only.

i don’t care about new heroes i care about balance so if they got new heroes that can balance the game that’s the ones i want.

Then you’re in the wrong place - here we don’t care about balance, just story.


lol sry you right i want to genji’s story and the dude doom met developed. like genji from regular to robot to mercy to ow and like more blackwatch stuff would be cool too. sry about the post you are 100% right

thats good lore. I want to see Emo Genji. He was different enough for Mercy to comment on it, so I want to see a brutal genji.

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We’ve seen that in Retribution. Modern Genji is at peace with who he is, and having accepted his body as his own, has gone back to wearing clothes.

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I didn’t really think Bastion would even have much lore at all, but after Jeff said that Bastion would play a key role in the plot, I’ll admit to a burning curiosity as to what that key role could be…


He’s a robot with PTSD, hes super cool. His lore will probably cover how he will integrate with society/new Overwatch. Imagine Reinhardt. Rein would freak out.

Also, greetings fellow pants.

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