What are your thoughts on the Brigitte changes?

My thoughts are she will be the worst support now, and this is yet another unnecessary nerf because of the hivemind these forums have become. Not happy with the Doomfist or Brigitte nerfs.

Rein will be insanely strong after Brigitte and Doomfist are nerfed out of relevance, and quad tank should return. The new Roadhog counters dive pretty well and Roadhog should take Brigitte’s slot in goats to form the new meta. And now there is no Doomfist to save the day. Hammond and Sombra are still fairly bad as well, so… what are the counters?


rein will never, ever be nerfed. I can guarantee you that.

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it’s fine

i think people who think this is going to enable rein instead of hurting him since brigitte is what enables him to dominate the meta are pretty ignorant on how this meta came to be
there’ll be a lot more counterplay to brigitte and goats in general, which opens the field for more dps and tank variants

this is just blatant misinformation.


I usually die because of brig stunning my shield out then the entire enemy team deletes me. she shouldn’t be able to do this. rein needs his shield or he’s a giant box of bullet sponge. its like getting hacked, except you cannot get any chance to survive.

Rein doesn’t die in a 1vs1 against Brig , Genius.

Brig stunning a Reinhart every 6 seconds means he cannot put his shield up and that’s a huge Opening for the enemy team to use shatter/hook etc against the Reinhart team.


You are a psycho not a psychic. Many people thought McCree would never get damage back on his FTH or Roadhog would get more damage on his hook - shotgun combo again.

Never say never.

Pretty much, this nerf is just a change for the sake of it. When this change goes through all the tank players complaining about Brigitte have no excuses now.


It’s almost incredible, but people need to remember:

Brig didn’t bring rein back. Hanzo did. New hanzo started the gravdragon meta, which boosted rein’s power level immensely due to zarya being played in every game alongside hanzo.


As a former (I quit a decent time after Brig’s release, was completely unfun to play) main tank player (I play Lucio now by the way, much more fun from my perspective), I’m very happy about these changes! It makes the character a bit more balanced now that there isn’t a no-counterplay stun-shatter mechanic that comes with her (Zarya shields can sometimes work as a counter, but it is rarely applied at the right time, only if the Zarya is actually insane).

Just more fun for main tank players. That is all.

Because you are solely relying on your barrier to protect you instead of being smart about where you are. Even as a barrier tank you have to consider cover and limit your exposure to the enemy team so that these things do not happen.

Read above.

I’m not Fireball and that’s not my problem on my current tier.

It clearly is if all that is between your team and oblivion is your barrier. As the main tank it is your job to set the pacing and position of your team so that you get OPTIMAL chances to get picks while also MINIMIZING the exposure of youself and your team .

Disagree on two points here.

Firstly, I don’t think Reaper and Hog will suppress Dive if it’s going to come back. While they are better, they’re still easily focused and inconsistent against some of dive’s better players (i.e. Tracer). That said, I don’t think pure dive will return soon–more likely DOATS. The Ana + Zarya + Reinhardt combo is very powerful, and I don’t see that going away

Secondly, Dive was played below Master’s, just not in the highly recognizable form that it was in upper tier play. You did still have 4-person dives (usually DVa, Genji, Zen, and Mercy), usually supported by a Reinhardt that facilitated the Dive getting in close since lower-tier dives weren’t generally coordinated enough to get into the backline by themselves.

Did you know that DVa can, in fact, stand in Winston’s bubble? And so can Tracer? And… well, every single hero in the roster?

Believe it or not, buffing a barrier that every hero can stand in to block Shield Bash does, in fact, benefit every hero that may use it, particularly the Dive heroes that heavily feature in comps with said barrier.

I’m not really sure of the thought process behind your post here, but it seems like you’re more interested in being snarky than articulating an actual response


except when we are in a team fight where we are fighting on an objective that shield stops enemies from deleting our healers or picking our dps. either focus fire or easy picks, both cases are pretty hard to avoid when you are on the objective helping your team fight as a coordinated group.

It is effectively a Rein buff, I can live with that.

not enough of a nerf, shell need more

Once the team fight breaks out typically the rein barriers go down anyways. You are more often swinging your hammer and dealing with immediate threats over holding your barrier to keep from getting deleted.

I find more often then not the reason a Rein gets deleted by the enemy team is when the enemy brig initiates on them while they are in a poor spot.

Example: Being on attack and moving the payload as Rein where is the best position for you? Behind the cart. Why? because it provides at the very least partial cover from the enemy team and creates an obstacle for the enemy team to pass to do meaningful damage.

Want to know where I see most reins get deleted by an enemy team on a stun follow up? Front of the cart or in the wide open where there is no cover and its all the rein you can eat at the DPS buffet.

in pubs yes, but in the pro scene brig is pretty much the only thing that brought rein back into the meta

rein’s strength is heavily impacted by heroes around him either way, and a lot of people tend to blame all of this on rein himself

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It’s another poorly thought out change from a guy who doesn’t exactly have a good track record when it comes to in-game balance.
It’s just gonna make Brigitte inconsistent with other similar melee abilities and from a design perspective it just looks sloppy (if Rein’s barrier can stop Shield Bash then why can’t it stop Swift Strike? Or Rocket Punch? Why should Brigitte be the odd one out?).
And speaking of the big guy; this is a massive buff for Reinhardt when he’s already the Mercy of the Tank category, he didn’t need this massive advantage over Brigitte (hell she didn’t even make his pickrate budge, she wasn’t as big a threat as everyone made her out to be)

This is just another panic nerf that doesn’t actually fix “Forum Brigitte”, it just makes her weaker against a specific hero and that specific hero even stronger, the only upside to this is that all the Brigitte moaners won’t have a leg to stand on when they inevitably keep moaning about Brigitte.