What are you thinking with buffing Pharah?

Yes, but I think she needed a change that buffed her more than 5% at the very top levels of play. Missile speed or air movement speed are something good players can use but bad players will fumble with.

and thats the point, this change is supposed to be extremely good for lower ranks as well as console, this makes her way less upsetting unless that pharah is good, but its low ranks so thatll be rare.

Lots of good input. I will wait to see. I’m still thinking, based on the pharah play that I run into all the time, that this is going to make her even harder to kill, while making it easier for her to kill you.

How does she deal more damage to multiple heroes at once with this buff? Maybe I misunderstood but didn’t her splash damage get reduced?

Pharah is going to be worse against Brigitte now that she does less splash damage!

She shoots rockets faster?

But the splash damage gets reduced… The splash damage is what makes it so effective against GOATS.

Not really, the splash damage usually gets absorbed by the aura healing, it’s repeated direct shots that matter more than anything and now you can just pelt tanks/Brigitte faster.

Don’t underestimate splash damage. I see your point but I still think it’ll end up being a wash. Only time time tell tho

  1. This is a nerf o console while buffing PC. Really an genius fix, considering how the mechanics of the hero work on each platform.

  2. Soldier got a rib tickling size buff. If you think she gets to run things now, I suggest grabbing 76 and playing a few quick pick up games. The spread buff is too good; only a troglodyte could miss now.

pharah’s direct damage will be a lot more meaningful against goats

her splash will be feeding the auras more and she can’t hit multiple targets nearly as hard

She’s easier to hit because her explosions knock enemies around less, which made it hard for people she was shooting at to shoot her back. She’s pretty much going to have to hit the hitscans directly to beat them now. Higher skill ceiling, but also higher counterplay.

I am a plat dps and i have a tank account in silver (lets face it, its borderline bronze) and whenever there is a pharah and i try to swap to take her out (reminding you, silver pharah) i can barley manage to do it consistently enough to counter her. Its just kind of sad how mediocre a pharah can be compared to the hitscan dealt with the task of taking her out.

The brig nerf is actually pretty significant. I honestly think she’s a bit undertuned with the shield nerf. When people are willing to shoot her shield, she can’t get anything done.

Even disregarding the damage arguments, the lower knock-back on rockets is a fair hit to her survivability and paired with having to play more aggressively and less safely due to the lower splash…Looks like a nerf to most situations and like she’ll just be even more niche and relient on having a Mercy pocket.

Probably better vs comps like GOATS, but I still don’t see it making her worth taking over, say, Doomfist.

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This is laughable. 100 points of extra shield health was not the extend of her ridiculous power…