What about #nerfreinhardt

Yeah. he will be even more necessary to have.

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But it also made it possible to completely deny kills Reinhardt should have outright secured with no drawback on brigs part. Contrary to popular belief, charging isnā€™t meant to be used in a ballsy fashion like charging head first into a fight. Itā€™s primarily an initiation and disruption tool, and unless youā€™re chasing someone down it shouldnā€™t be used in anything but close proximity. Itā€™s only fair that her interaction aligns with all the other charge based skills for the sake of balance in this case. I do however believe she should only fall over after the momentum has begun and not the beginning of the animation. That would reward a skilled read on brigā€™s part.

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I didnā€™t personally have a problem with Brig. But there are a lot of people who do. The whole #deletebrig movement is much bigger than I expected. Itā€™s dumb because thereā€™s no way that Blizzard ever actually deletes a hero. But Iā€™m sure there are people rejoicing over this.

Earth Shatter doesnā€™t need a nerf. It was just that one single broken play popularized by Fusions and KSP. I didnā€™t think Brig needed another nerf either, but again a lot of people did.

Well one it really isnā€™t since dva was the top tank at all ranks just like rein is currently and she caught a nerf because of it

And thatā€™s why I advocate rein nerfs while asking for orisa buffs because she was originally supposed to be competition for rein

I just want his ult nerfed.
Increase the cast time to 2 seconds so you can actually counter it without the use of must pick Reinhardt yourself.

The instant use of Reinā€™s earth shatter is what makes it useful as is. It allows you to make snappy plays against other Reinhardt and take advantage of brief windows of vulnerability your enemies present. Itā€™s buggy as is, and often times it doesnā€™t hit when it should. I wouldnā€™t be against something like allowing earth shatter to be ā€œchargedā€ for a greater area of effect and in turn lessening the overall range for instant use, but with how hard CC nails him itā€™d be much better to keep the speed as is.

Iā€™m a D.Va main. I donā€™t think it is fair to nerf a hero just because of their pick rate. I didnā€™t think so for D.Va and I donā€™t think so for Rein.

But, D.Va did need a reduction in the damage from micro missiles. I donā€™t think she needed the boop damage nerf personally. And the hate she gets currently even though sheā€™s only the 3rd most picked tank (not even the most picked off tank) is ridiculous.

But if Reinhardt is nerfed, both his pick rate and Zaryaā€™s should drop right? I mean, maybe they do but again it would be meta shifting because nobody else can do his job. So, what strategy gets picked up next? Does Dive come back?

If Rein/Zarya goes out of style, D.Va becomes the most picked tank again. Do we nerf her then? Do we always just keep nerfing from the top? Is everyoneā€™s idea of how to balance a game really that simplistic?

I like that idea, except that if Rein charges, itā€™s pure luck if Brig cancels it unless they have superhuman reaction time.
I frequently cancel Earthshatter, but Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve never done it deliberately, because Iā€™m usually just so happening to have been bashing at the right time and my reaction speed is poor enough that if my shield is down I probably wonā€™t even put it up before the stun.

Instant trigger? Since when?

Earthshatter has the longest windup of any ult, maybe besides lucio. He can also lose his ult toā€¦ well, anything. Stun, hook, sleep, boop (since he needs to hit the ground), uppercut, burst damage on his massive hitbox.

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Mercyā€™s E ability trumps all of the abilities in game. Itā€™s a blessing if you donā€™t have more than 1sec to do something.

You wouldnā€™t need superhuman reaction speed. Thereā€™s a very solid window of animation before the chargeā€™s movement actually begins if you havenā€™t noticed. Reinhardt makes a distinct noise, raises his shoulders, leans forward, and then barrels straight ahead at high speeds. Itā€™s almost a second long and with practice itā€™s quite easy to predict. Iā€™d prefer balancing his animations and kit as well as allowing other heroes to fairly engage him without the risk of stupid charges (Because they sure as heck happen when they shouldnā€™t sometimes) but an outright nerf is uncalled for. We just need bring the other tanks up to par, particularly Orisa, and strengthen anti tank power without relying solely on CC.

What other ult doesnā€™t give you time to escape before kills you?

Thatā€™s oddā€¦if pickrate is a reason to nerf a hero and Reinhardts is absurdly high then why are you all saying no :thinking:

Seriously, why the hell is Rein immune to criticism and is everyones love toy.

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Itā€™s 0.7 seconds.
If you donā€™t escape in that time period, you die. Nerf it.

There is time to react to it before it goes off. The trick is that the options to react to it are things like Reinhardt shield, Winston bubble, Orisa shieldā€¦ basically you need to drop a barrier in the way.

But since you asked, Graviton Surge has less cast time. You can do less to avoid being caught by it than Earth Shatter, but I guess you have more options while in it to try and not die.

Well,.since Reinā€™s ult rarely kills you, there is that. Secondly, boosters can get you out of it, blink, translocator toss, double jump, lunge, coach gun can get you over top of it or push him backnfar enough.

Ana has time to sleep, Hog has time to hook etc.

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No counters? Dive, but only, dive gets countered so hard by the current meta heroes that Rein is currently uncontested for the most effective at his job in the current meta, Meta doesnā€™t mean OP though.

And this point you made

DID SOMEONE SAY BRIGITTE? except take the shield requirement out - and take the ultimate requirement out! BAM! Low risk high efficiency, brig is almost everything you described hereā€¦

Because this shouldnā€™t be a valid reason to nerf a hero. Not by itself. Itā€™s an overly simplistic way of looking at game balance and frankly doesnā€™t lead to good balance. It leads to over buffing of frustrating characters and over nerfing of characters whoā€™s entire point is to be jack of all trades or that have little competition for their niche.

It at least lets you fight back.

Nerf the Ana dart along with it. Nerf Junkrats tire activation length. Nerf Nanoblade, or blade itself.

Pay attentionā€¦ before Rein even says ā€œHā€, he grabs the hammer in both hands and his shield drops. His foot comes up and than he starts to talk. Please donā€™t place your lack of paying attention on a heroes ult.

Also, Reinā€™s ult is pretty easy to track and it is usually no secret that he has it