You forgets doomfist and new torbion
They refuse to nerf him because he doesn’t need it
Yes, we didnt had dive with no rein that was working before right? XD
Its more like there is not many tanks to be honest.
No he wasn’t on ladder he still had the second highest pickrate behind dva and he was off meta not underpowered since rein is bad on dive
Yeah it’s beyond saving that flaw in the game design. No need to make changes to shields cause it’s not like there is some revolutionary way to fix it.
2000 on paper sounds like a lot. But take it from someone with 300 hours in him; That shield, under proper focus fire, more often feels like paper. I cannot count how many times my shield has gone down in 3-5 seconds flat against a strong push.
I’m just gonna observe this lol
It depends on what part of the ladder you were on. Diamond and above Winston out picked Reinhardt. He wasn’t as good as Winston if you knew what you were doing at that time.
And even below Diamond his pick rates were nowhere near what they are currently. He’s completely meta dependent. So is Winston.
I can’t wait to see ppl complaining about him once when brig gets nerfed.
The irony is they are nerfing Brig because they want to indirectly nerf a strategy where Brig stuns Reinhardt and then the enemy Reinhardt Earth Shatters.
The Brig nerf is a pro play level Earth Shatter nerf.
I’ll admit, I hate fighting brig. But the only nerf I can justify is her getting knocked down if she shield bashed a charge. The rest is uncalled for.
Problem with Reinhardt is you can’t really touch him without breaking him or just doing the usual Blizzard bandaid fix which beats around the bush and solves nothing.
It’s going to be so bad, especially for defending teams.
Playing Brig on defence I can easily shoo a Rein away if none of the people behind him are healers, meaning anyone following him also has to leave.
Rein will be able to get away with anything if he can just hold up his shield and wait for other people to deal with Brig.
I just want a passive that prevents rapid CC. No other form of buff can be justified because he’s got some pretty ideal balance.
Still wasn’t since winston had a lower pickrate up to master/gm and they were still below dva
And the reason why his pickrates wasn’t as high as they are now is because he outshines the other tanks he needs to catch a nerf
Like increasing her health and shield pool. Might make her more of a… tank?
I actually think it should be like it was pre-nerf.
Skilled Brigs can’t save teammates from charges anymore, and when Brig and Rein knock each other over in the middle of a fight, Brig dies.
Pressing shift at just the right time when fighting Brig means Brig simply dies from the ridiculously long stun that she doesn’t have the health pool to survive.
D.Va’s pick rate is irrelevant here. Winston had a higher pick rate in Diamond, Masters, and GM than Reinhardt. And the only reason he didn’t have a better one below that is Dive is honestly hard to run and wasn’t very common at lower ranks.
The fact remains that Reinhardt is the ONLY main tank that facilitates deathball play. Unless you want to play bunker comp, pirate ship, or dive then he’s the only tank choice you have.
Maybe change earth shatter instead. It has been plain in the butt even in the past with its almost instant trigger.
Also Doomfist. Don’t forget about Doomfist. xD