What about #nerfreinhardt

>highest pick rate in comp
>almost no counters, with one hero being nerfed to not even be able to harass Rein however skillfully played
>key part of the most overpowered meta in the game
>completely overpowered ultimate, lets him instakill anyone without a shield
>synergises extremely well with the second and fourth highest pick rate heroes
>best health pool in the game, loads of armour making him nearly untouchable if kept topped up


I don’t think a nerf is needed for him, the problem is the only alternative for a decent barrier tank is orisa, that isn’t as popular. Maybe buffing her to be a viable alternative to reinhardt would be a better solution.


tracer, genji, roadhog, d.va, widowmaker, hanzo, mei, reaper, symmetra, zenyatta

the problem? brigitte counters most of what counters reinhardt


Please tell me this is a joke thread…anyone?


Almost no counters



If Reinhardt is regarded as pretty much mandatory, he’s definitely overpowered.
Bringing other tanks up to his level would just make those other tanks overpowered too.


Don’t forget Reinhardt’s strongest counter. Sombra


#BuffOrisa would be a better choice, Rein is in a good place right now.


I really sincerely hope you’re joking. Rather than get upset, I implore you to go pick up Reinhardt and play him for an extensive period of time. He’s at his weakest point he’s ever been and unfortunately feels less like a tank with every ounce of power creep that is laid on him each patch. Reinhardt needs a buff if some kind, if anything. The amount of CC in general makes it a nightmare to play him against most comps. I love the big guy, but I very easily become weary playing him these days.


As long as there is compensation nerfs to other areas in his kit sure give him anti-cc but make sure his shield gets nerfed or his CD on abilities/ult charge gets nerfed too. Orisa, is supposed to fulfill the role as the anti CC tank. Yet she is just god awful against Reinhardt and Winston. What Orisa needs is a health buff. She should be at 500HP to compete against the other main tanks.

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I’ve been advocating rein nerfs since season 9 people don’t want the golden boy to be nerfed


He’s frustrating to play, I know, but he’s not ineffective. Far from it, he’s overpowered, he works in most team compositions and a Rein-led group is very hard to push back.
If the enemy team has a Rein, and you don’t, you’re at a strong disadvantage if you’re playing with conventional tactics because the enemy team will have people shooting from behind a 2000 health shield and you’ll have people running around in the open getting shot, all their weapons just scratching the shield.

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With the exception of bug fixes, new bugs being introduced, and global changes that impact everybody: the only change Reinhardt has ever seen since the game launched was a nerf to Earth Shatter.

He’s almost exactly the same as day 1. Leave him alone and balance around him. He’s not OP. He doesn’t need buffs or nerfs.

Without changes to himself, he’s been a must pick, a troll pick, and just about everything in between. He just rolls with the meta. Don’t touch him.


That is so wrong it hurts he does have counters being almost anyone with none melee based damage

Nerf his ult like we nerfed grav. Significantly reduce the range on it.

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Rein was top-tier on day 1.
He’s top-tier today.
Unless some other pre-nerf hero made him briefly underpowered, he has never not been overpowered.

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He was underpowered for the entirety of the dive meta. What did that last, 5 seasons? He’s not been top-tier the whole time. He is meta dependent.

Not to mention that there isn’t a single other tank that fits his niche. Orisa does not do the same job as Reinhardt despite both being main tanks and neither do Winston or Wrecking Ball. They can replace him, but they each facilitate their own play styles and comps. No other main tank facilitates a death ball comp.

He’s so good becauseof the natural versatility of his kid kit that most other tanks don’t have and he is “mandatory” is because he has a 2000hp should that can move while orisa has a 1000 hp (roughly) stationary shield he has more barrier mobility than orisa

The days where not having a rein being a disadvantage have long since passed. He’s got plenty of counters and compositions that work exceedingly well against him and thanks to the amount of damage DPS heroes can output these days makes him very flimsy. While admittedly he excels with team compositions built around him it’s due to the fact that’s what he’s designed to DO; act as an anchor for the team to push forward with. A rein no matter how many hours in the game is only as good as his team. I think your definition of overpowered is a gross overestimation personally. Take it from someone who’s played rein since release; He’ll always rise and fall when the meta favors a strong lean towards tanks or heavy supports. He’s regarded as a must pick because he’s a one of a kind tank who can fill a specific role nobody else can. The answer then should not be to obliterate what he excels at, but instead to adjust other tanks to put them on par and properly flesh out anti tank roles.


Devs refuse to nerf him since literally every map is designed around him and his 2000HP (lmao) shield.