"We're reluctant to add hero bans"

He prefers to refer to it in the Latin:

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Ironically this would work better then the avoid system sense the widow and Hanzo players would still be able to play. They might just occasionally have to pick something else. Also it seems like it worked as a ban would be intended sense it was high rank players using it to remove a over tuned pick. As you said high ranks know better about what should be in or out of the game.

Frankly only Hanzo from both of those has a tuning issue. Sense blizzard doesn’t really know how to balance him and spend more time giving him unintentional buffs rather then nerfs to make him fit a particular play style.

Oh well. Players don’t get a say this time so I guess they better deal with it. :woman_shrugging:

but what prob does it solve?? if we pretend this was during the goats meta. are they going to ban brig for like 5 months straight?? terrible games are still going to be a thing, annoying heroes are still going to be a thing. op heroes are still going to be a thing. bans were to counter this so all this solves is meta but at the cost of messed up games. this doesnt make the game fun?

like this is more like a insult tbh, they think the players are too stupid to ban for themselves. takes banning strats out of the game really. doesnt really add anything while making rank a mess again imo.

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The biggest problem I see is players will find out what is banned this week and say nope not playing. Which will increase queue times even more.

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Ehh, perhaps? If the devs are correct in saying that most heroes are quite viable then it’ll only take a while of players getting dumpstered by the heroes they didn’t ban that they might start to agree.

They could ban Widow or Hanzo, but then if players start using Ashe and her trend of winning more games on average at every rank continues and so everyone is losing more with Ashe being on the other team more often, and as a result starts to derank a bit they’ll soon come to their senses. Maybe. If nothing else the playerbase would learn something.

But whether you like hero pools or not;

…isn’t all that different to;


uhmm did i miss something?

I see a few problems.

For starters:

  • Support heroes are in limited quantity
  • Tank heroes are in limited quantity
  • Potentially increased queue times due to less players, as a result of not being able to choose the heroes they enjoy and/or are proficient at playing as
  • What happens, say in Competitive Play, if a player is proficient at certain heroes which happen to all be banned for that ‘cycle’? Do they have to risk underperforming at heroes they don’t necessarily perform well with, losing SR, or do they stop playing until the next cycle if that cycle of hero bans has something useful and viable?

I can see how it might spice up OWL, or even the high ranks, both of which are where a minority of players are, but for the low to mid range it might be a different story. Will this also help the team try and balance heroes, or come back to work on heroes that they appear to have neglected for some time? I’d like to be wrong on this particular matter, and only time will tell if I am or not, but so far the initial prospects don’t appear to look positively brilliant. More so at least for the low to mid range. On the bright side they are trying something, or at least perhaps that’s a bright side.

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Because Hero bans in the player hands will create “ban meta’s”

Take Reaper for example; An issue hero in lower ranks, literally worthless in higher

Silver players will always ban Reaper, and if you DON’T ban Reaper, people will get salty.

Or you can use it to target other players. If you know what their preferred hero is to play, you can target that one hero to force them into a disadvantage before the game even starts

The way they’re doing it also don’t force one strict meta.Lets say one day they remove Reinhardt, Zarya, Orisa, Sigma, Ana, Moira, Lucio, and Baptiste from the tank/ support pools. Now you have to run a dive based comp with Mercy, D.va, Winston, and Hammond.

The next week it’s the opposite; No more dive based heroes are up, and we go to something with a Rein/ Zarya focus

The meta is different week to week, without having to gut or nerf any specific heroes because the hero pool rotation isn’t allowing one specific meta to be the go-to at all time

You couldn’t be more correct about this. Bare in mind though this IS the same community that also complains about a perceived problem while doing nothing to remedy it. See double shield and how Sym hard countered it yet decided she needed to be nerfed which then enabled that comp for the next few months, all because people just didn’t want to play her. Also see Mei wall bugs, Mercy SR boosting while mass rez was a thing, Vanilla Brig, TP bugs, the list goes on.

Yea we proved time and again we kinda are. Knowing this community we would only use this to bully other players.

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Oh well, most of my friends quit playing after 2-2-2, lol. The game can’t get much worse than that.

yea but then u gotta think. bans are a way to balance high elo and low elo cuz both need different balancing to a degree.

like in bronze u hear alot about how annoying moria is and how low elo has problems with that. bans could solve that for them and make the game more enjoyable. compared to high elo where prob orisa/ sigma could be banned, depending on who u ban gets different results.

basically starting 3 options with just 1 ban (of course u have another ban most likely that’s basically pick whoever u want) each game will feel different and i don’t see a ban meta ever being a thing due to how 1 ban can highly cripple a comp.

and plus if people use bans to grief thats why the report system is there. other games are fine so if its not broke dont fix it.

I wonder how long it will take for people to get dissatisfied and want more characters banned or want certain types of characters banned depending on tier. “You can’t ban Ana in GM, she’s the only high skill support! You should just permaban Moira instead” or something like it.


They arent hero bans

im equally against them, dont get me wrong, but they…still arent hero bans

If you can’t see who is on which team before the ban. Then you can’t pick players to bully with a ban. Honestly is silly argument. Pick and ban is the inevitable road this leads to but instead we have to do this crap for another year.

I’m honestly kind of over bliz after last year’s many debacles. I most likely will just be waiting to see what happens. As I find my self playing blizzard games less and less as newer better games are on the horizon.

I honestly don’t see blizzard lasting much. They are hemorrhaging talent and don’t pay the going rate for fresh creators. Activision keeps making moves that put these games further into the ground and lose players, simply from not listening to the fans. Rip bliz it’s been a good run

I’m happy regardless of the type of ban. Anything to make comp more interesting instead of the same 6 heroes for months on end.

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You can change the recipe as much as you want, this community ALWAYS finds a way to ruin something that was done with good intentions especially if they are given control of it…ALWAYS.

yea i was thinking this too. and even then, knowing people in ur elo is mostly higher ranks. low ranks dont really have this prob plus they can just make it so u cant check profile even tho most is private profile anyways.

and im with you. like i quit this game for a while and this doesnt make me want to come back, makes me want to stay away tbh.
went on to league and having fun. just hope riots new shooter comes out great in the future.

so im not gonna lie. this is the least toxic game ive ever played. so the way people deem it so bad compared to like league where people will just go down mid all game and actually ruin the game.

because look. a bad ban isnt the end of the world. most 1 tricks have a 2nd hero anyways. all dps can play soldier, tanks can play any tank tbh. ( main tanks =any main tank)(off tank=any off tank). anyone can play lucio, moria.

plus its hard to troll ban if u dont know the lobby and there mains in the first place. super easy solutions to fix the problems ur thinking of.

hero pools is a decent compromise.

Blizzard knows they cant let us ban for them. Mei would get banned every game. Brig would have gotten banned every game back then. Mercy would have gotten banned every game in her meta.

If they let us ban the broken easy heroes, they would have to actual balance them so that subset of the playerbase could still play their heroes.

Blizzard has been stuck between a rock and a hard place. On one hand, the general video game audience, who want mechanical skill and team coordination to dictate success. And the other hand, whoever all these mercy/moira/brig/mei/symm mains are; who just want the game to play for them.

so they came up with a compromise. they’ll ban the toxic heroes one week, and all the good players will play that week, then they’ll ban the good heroes the next week, and all the bots will play that week.