Welp still the 9th could still be a Tiger General… (Betting Ma Chao Hammond)
Or this https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/7xru6m/year_of_the_dog_moira_dongfang_bubai_fanskin/
I feel like they’re all so cool conceptually… but some of them just look off. I’ll wait to see them in game first though.
There are typically 6-8 skins. I think that’s all of them. We could’ve had 2 skins that were a surprise but thanks to Overwatch Korea team that’s ruined hope we get good epics though
i want a cao cao genji dynasty warriors anyone?
I think thats that for this year guys. 8 skins all legendary or reaaaally good quality epics for Tracer, Briggy and Orisa.
Well if what they said earlier last year is true… hope we can look forward to a member of the Meka crew as the next hero. (One Korean Devs “leak” after Blizzcon that but can’t tell if he was serious.)
I hope dva gets one.
If she gets another skin I swear to god I’ll BM every single Mei I see until the next event hahahahahahaa
Been thinking about it and Hammond is technically 2 Heroes
So technically we can still do all 5 Tiger Generals
The pig hasn’t got a skin yet so…
and they were comrades
You could look at as he got it early.
I mean same could be applied to the Tiger Generals… Which year of the Tiger is 3 years away
if they add cao cao i could see genji, doomfist or even ana getting it tbh. or soldier too,
Tracer is based on Hong Gildong. A guy who is like Robin Hood in Korea.
h ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Gildong_jeon
Hoping for Moira or Doom to get a skin
You might have to wait on that. China wise looks like they are staying with the Shu Kingdom. (Lu Bu being the exception plus the Korean Stuff)
i mean, if we already have an exception, i dont see why we cant have another. but im probably gonna be disappointed.
btw can i just say at this point that tonight i dreamt the next skin would be for zenyatta, but he had baozi as his orbs, and a big baozi hat. and his voiceline for ult was something like “experience nutrition” and then i woke up and saw his actual skin on twitter. wow.
I bet for widow or sombra because they my main xd
If we don’t find out today, guess we find out tomorrow