Well, time to commit war on pc players!

It’s easy to be subdued by the negativity in here and become part of it for momentary lapses, myself included…nice to see someone from console not immediately making a negative post about the clashing of input devices.

I hope they don’t show what you’re playing on tbh… would be nice to just be one community, not a separated one


Hard to remember but I think i’ve played those (Wizball for sure). Fun times :slight_smile:

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Honestly I’m just in it for the fun


I’ve had to hidechat and have VC mute on hot standby to avoid the part of OW that makes it bad (people)… this has brought back all the fun for me… not listening to bickering in game makes it a game again.

Hope I run into you and your controller someday!


Haha I know how that feels, hope your next games go well!

Is that this Nintendo Switch thing people keep talking about?

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Not that impressive to play Overwatch on an Etch a sketch or a toaster. Now a pregnancy test or a smart fridge is where it’s at.

That’s how they trick grandparents to pay hundreds for an etch n sketch. Just Business 101.

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I wanted to make a gif of a steaming pile of dung as queuing icon but i’m too lazy. These memes are accurate though.

A game called Dead by Daylight has cross play and has a little world icon next to people from other systems (or if you bought from the Windows store instead of Steam [don’t do that. Widows DBD is AWFUL]). You’ll constantly see chat say stuff about console players, since Behavior made it obvious if the other player isn’t from the same system.

Wonder if Blizzard will do the same or not let it get pointed out. I’m fine if they don’t show it. Better for everyone, honestly.

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If you understand that , and you are still self handicapping yourself with inferior hardware, then thats on you.

I died. :rofl: Not sure how this works though. Maybe you tilt it to move and tap it to shoot. :woman_shrugging:


Completely different style of game though. FPS crossplay = garbage time.

“So honey what is it?”

“Cheers love, the Calvary is here!”



That’s not the conversation here, though. The conversation was whether Blizzard should show if someone is cross platform or not. Not whether it is a good idea to implement or not.

I understood the conversation. I’m saying you can’t compare the game you stated with OW. It just doesn’t work the same way.

I mean… You’re going to get the same comments, as we already have. From what I have seen, all of the conversations have been the same between both games when it involves cross play. Don’t do it, console players are worse, yada yada.

Same, my dad had one and a literal wall of games for it. Looking back I swear he was trolling me, catching a nap on the sofa while I’m waiting 30 minutes for a game that’s not gonna load.

Did you ever play Giana Sisters, basically bootleg Mario?

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You’ll have my like for that :stuck_out_tongue:

For that question I would like to refer you to:

:wink: :heartpulse:

Yeahhh, that’ll happen when you don’t read the whole thread. :grimacing:

I spent a lot of time playing Breakout and Jet Set Willy.

Did you play the ‘sequel’ Giana Sisters: twisted dreams, which came out several years ago?

??? Chaos the nerd??? Never heard of em.