Well, Here's ONE Strategy

Leave a game.

Come back the next day…

Easy games all night.

I’ve seen it about 3-4 times.

Seriously. Try it. Risk that -50 SR by leaving your last game of the night. Then come back the next day, and see how easy the games are.

Why would that be?

Because the matchmaker is TRYING to do things it shouldn’t be doing. Such as, helping you get back to the rank it thinks you belong at. So… slingshot yourself with some easy games after a “DC” one night. Then play as many games as you can on your newly earned forced winning streak.

(don’t do this often tho)

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You’re right. It can’t possibly be that when you leave games you’re tilted off the planet, and the next day you’ve slept it off and calmed down. Leaving a game doesn’t give you easier games - it gives you games at where you were before leaving, and you get slightly more SR for a win.


On of the dumbest ideas i have read here honestly. If you illeave game you will lower your sr by 50 but your mmr will stay same so getting back should be easy but why lowering your sr when you have to win 2 games back later. Its nonsense.


I was skeptical at first, but it really works 4/5 stars wow!

Don’t bother with him. His entire posting history (his Kapoof and Zelda accounts and probably one other account he posted on here, all hardstuck in the 2300-2600 range) between the current and the old forums shows nothing but him complaining that Blizzard intentionally giving him potato teammates, and then everyone else telling him how he’s tilted off the planet when something goes wrong, then him replying back with how he’s never tilted, how he’s always the perfect teammate, etc. Basically, he probably has the most self-inflated opinion of himself on these forums, just below MallSanta back then.


No, I was disconnected from the game and decided to stop playing.

Came back the next day… easy games all night.

I was never tilted, you closed minded fool.

This happened twice. Try it.

I can literally SEE the matchmaker trying to make it up for me. Why? Because it’s rigged to try and push me where it thinks I should be.

My DCs were accidental. But I imagine if someone pulled their internet cord out, they might see the same result.

You’re just seeing patterns that aren’t there in things you want them to be in. There is no grand matchmaker holding folks back conspiracy. The fact 1: that boosters exist shows it’s nonsense and 2: that folks climb shows it is nonsense.

But a lot of boosting companies won’t do it any more. A lot can’t promise what they used to. Because the system is now to the point where even high level players can’t rank up. They do well for a few games, the get canceled out by the matchmaker trying so hard to force an even match. They get potato teammates or put up vs smurfs. Look it up.

You’re not as good as you claim to be and the matchmaker isn’t intentionally giving you potato teammates to offset your hot streak. You’ve also completely ignored other player’s offers to coach you.

I’ve referenced two topics before of players posting videos because they honestly thought, just like you keep thinking, that Blizzard’s matchmaker intentionally gives them bad teammates as punishment for winning too much. And it turned out that both of those players were quick tilters and wrong about being given bad teammates, but they were too tilted to realize it. What makes you different than them? I’m very sure that you’re misevaluating yourself AND your teammates in anger.

Or let’s go in this direction: If you were to give your account to an actual Diamond player, do you think that they wouldn’t be able to get your accounts to Diamond? Or give it to a Masters player and see where it goes?


Lies, Quarters. Go away. You’re blind to what everyone else is seeing and you’re in the minority’s. Go hire a booster and see what they say. Lol. They can’t do it.

I’m more on top of this than you are.

But you’re the one not telling the truth though :thinking:

Ok, I’ll bite: What’s your real rank, and why?

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How would you know this without trying? And have you considered it’s largely from Blizzard stomping them out when organized as a business?

Can’t find your real rank anymore in OW.

Have you ever thought to find a coach on coaching Discords or OverwatchUniversity’s sub-reddit? They’re willing to help you if you stream and save VODs of your play.

We’re wasting our breath. OP is convinced it’s a rigged matchmaker when shown contrary evidence (without offering ANY that it is) and somehow thinks the rank where OP wins/loses in 50/50 ratio isn’t OP’s true rank or that matchmaker works as it is getting folks where they belong and get 50/50 games.

Confirmation bias fools yet another human.

The matchmaker is, above all, trying to force an even match.

If you stand out, you’ll get canceled out.

Simple as that.

You think they create an even match… randomly?

I notice no one had contacted a booster yet. See what they say.

It’s creating what it sees as a balanced match.

Blizzard confirmed that the status of your last match has no bearing on placing you in the next match.

Then why can’t you actually prove it?

No I don’t. I do think that, in an even match, things can randomly happen to make one team win or lose that the matchmaker couldn’t account for (disconnect, someone is upset and not playing well, etc)

Who cares?

If what you say is true then climbing is impossible, but it is possible. How do you account for that?

I say again: Confirmation bias fools yet another human

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How about contact a coach? Or the OverwatchUniversity sub-reddit?

I’m guessing you honestly, truly think that you don’t need a coach, and that all you need to rank up is for the matchmaker to stop intentionally giving you bad teammates to counteract your “hot streak”.

Learn some humility before playing this game.

No, I’m sure a coach would be great. Of course. But… doesn’t change the rigged games.

I joined up with some guys. Total strangers. We go 14-0, rank up quite a bit. Easy games at 2500.

Then… 10 unwinnable games in a row. But hmm… We just won easily, over and over at, say, 2400.

Okay, on the way down again… 2400, guess what? Diamond smurfs in the other team. 6 mans using great strategy. At 2400? I’ve been at 2400 a million times. But now I see this over and over, right now, after a massive win streak?

A win streak that came because we did something unexpected. We grouped. We I carried? Helll no.

And it’s so pathetically predictable. You get hot, you get canceled out by the matchmaker.

If it were truly random, we would not see a literal streak of smurfs and unwinnable games all the sudden… at a fricking rank we’ve easily handled over and over in the past.

The truth is that we teamed up, ranked up, then hit the inevitable b-slap from the matchmaker. Where did the easy games go that we saw at 2400 on the way UP? When we passed 2400 with ease? Gone. Now at 2400, unwinnable games.

That tells me the matchmaker is trying to do things it shouldn’t be doing. It’s handicapping matches based on YOUR play. It’s not simply taking random 2400 players and sticking them together.

2400 means totally different things to different players on Different streaks. Rigged.