Well everyone the end is nigh for Sombra

This is actually the first post I’ve ever made. I played this character through thick and thin. I played Sombra when she first launched. Seriously this is the end of me playing this character. I can’t deal these changes and can’t deny that trying to fight through them is a exercise in futility. I will keep playing her though until these changes hit live.

The one thing I will say is that if you ask for buffs to your favorite character be prepared for blizzard consequences. That my friends is most of time not worth the risk.


Did you test the changes on the PTR? Are they really that bad? Maybe they will change some stuff before pushing it to the live servers. But overall I doubt they are going to listen to anyone anymore. Good luck with Sombra.

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I hate the changes as well, but I just thought up of this change that could make her viable with this new Sombra Sombra new ability idea “Omniblade”- add your own too

They are much worse than I imagined and on PTR no even playing well. You can be detected easier and people can your translocator can be heard from 20 meters away through walls. On PTR they are not even looking for me. On competition the enemies are going to try to find me and kill me. With this new sombra they can even ignore me. I can’t contest so there is no reason for them look for a gnat buzzing around. Even if I have EMP. I may get that 1 to 3 times during a match that’s only 3 engagements they have to find me. I have to hope my team can last that long.

Yes, they’re bad unfortunately. Translocator can now be destroyed by the enemy. Detection range has been doubled to 4 meters, so much for stealth. Stealth speed increase has been cut from 75% increase to 50% increase, meaning she can’t make any of those fancy jumps across map gaps we got so used to and that became so integral to the feel of sombra. And finally, no contesting while stealthed, which makes sense with infinite stealth, but still.

We don’t need infinite stealth. Put it on a resource bar or something. Decrease stealth in/out time so she can flicker in and out of it. Give her her full 75% speed, and give her base speed that is equivalent to the flankers, genji and tracer. Increase translocator time but do not make it infinite, give her the ability to delete it but do not give enemies the ability to destroy it.

Before this “buff” sombra was the only hero in the entire game who had two abilities that could be interrupted by the enemy without using a CC ability to do it. Now she’s the only one with three. All three of her abilities can be interrupted by damage, and that’s just absolute garbage.


The battle isn’t over just yet!

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