Well ain't that funny

Players for 4.5 years been suggesting for Symmetra to get 50hp, but this guy gets it

I don’t remember anyone asking for this, but color me blind. It happens and I am not even mad because it’s Overwatch. I never knew their hatred on that poor lady was that big. :man_shrugging:


Symmetra, Pharah

But no McCree.


Dude wasn’t even on the radar for this, but here we are :rofl:


McCree needs it too. It should be for bad hitboxes like Reaper/Mei.


Nah, it’s been asked for a lot. Not so much recently since the fire rate buff, but it used to get suggested a couple times a day.

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They should have just decreased his overall hitbox. He’s still going to get OHKO’ed by hanzo arrows with that gigantic head he has.

It must of not been too common compared to Symmetra, but still :rofl:

Yeah it’s wise to give a long range hero more HP. Can Junkrat also get 250?


Why, in 20 characters?

Lol that mccree ult buff rip pharah once again.

I would be down with that… But I feel it is less feasible than just bumping his hp to what it should have been. Know what I am saying?

I like Sym and all, and I do find it funny because Sym players have been begging for this for ages. However, McCrees have been saying their guy needed a survivability buff, and not a damage buff, ever since they increased his fire rate. I’m happy for them.


IIRC it was different time periods. The Symmetra 250 hp thing only got big recently, since her most recent couple sets of nerfs. The McCree thing used to be common, but died off since the fire rate buff.

“Glass cannon” “useless kit” “M1 bot” “countered by flankers” “no range” “huge hat hitbox”

The same stuff people always talk about with him. Personally I wish they had just reduced his hitbox instead of giving extra HP.

While I didn’t expect it, I can kinda see it. But his changes came out of left field honestly

I definitely thought Pharah at the very least would get something like this.

Sym needs nerfed not buffed lmao

I’m guessing mobility and hitbox plays into the factor of HP.

Symm is a really weird one, but I’d question a lot of things if Symm had as much HP as Torb with technically a more difficult hitbox.

I mean the dude got a roll and stun, but a hp buff as well. I might as well start considering to main him since the developers gravitating towards that. Sheesh just look at it :stuck_out_tongue:

Already said it in another post: I think Sym 3.0 is “done”. Once it was decided Sym would get a rework, Sym 2.0 was ignored in the balance changes. I think the same happens with Sym 3.0 now, she will just remain in her awful spot until the next rework arrives.

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He has an instant kill combo, he doesn’t need it. If he needed more survivability, they could have given him another dodge roll. This just guarantees people are going to play him more obnoxiously, going for riskier scummy flash>fan plays.

i doubt it they said they don’t really want to do reworks unless really necessary.