We Should All Have Signatures

I’ve actually thought about getting some art that makes it look like Rein is crashing through the webpage, shouting “CATCHPHRASE!” like some kind of demented German Kool-aid Man.

Kinda pointless until I’m back at trust 3, but I can dream.


Hold on

A advocate for fair, fun, and balanced gameplay

Or something along those lines…


"A lover of fun balance

-This one guy who spouts his opinions like facts"

If you’ve seen them around, you know who I mean.


You’d probably need to commission it unless you’re an artist yourself.

Hold on, I’ve got something for this…


Yeah I didn’t wanna call [X] out because conduct. But yeah it’s that dude


Ya’all have forgotten to use blush emoticons, otherwise, not bad…


Funnily enough I used to have a signature

But then Reaper actually got buffed

I find it sad that this devolved into making fun of another forum poster ;/

Cant you guys just have fun without beeing toxic?

You just got booped


Legend says if you dont let my dragon die by clicking on it you’ll rank up (might as well)

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Too much effort imo.

All work no pay

Oh man your signature brings back memories for me. I remember a few months ago I queued as a 5 stack with some friends, and our solo queuer that joined the team was some kid, maybe 12 or 13 years old, great kid though, honestly the best kid I’ve ever played Overwatch with, and we ended up grouping up with him for a couple more matches cause he was a decent player and was absolutely hilarious. So anyways, the first match we played with this kid goes into overtime, and we decide we want to bunker up, so we ask this kid to go Bastion, as he was already playing dps and we figured it would be the easiest role for him to fill. He obliges, and proceeds to spend the entire round trash talking himself for playing Bastion, as he absolutely shreds the other team. But anyways, the line from that round that I’ve always remembered him saying was “I’ve got no aim, no brain, and I’m a Bastion main” :joy:

Is that a pro Torbjorn?!

triggered bastion main noises


How do you make signatures?

BestPapa had 6 beers before coming to forums

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Sounds like BestPapa is ready to rumble :joy:

Is that a pro Torbjorn?!

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Im smart enough to not enter forums in sober state.
After all I still value my mental health lol

BestPapa had 6 beers before coming to forums

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Now that’s a smart call if I’ve ever heard one

Is that a pro Torbjorn?!

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Lover of fair, fun and beer

A Fallen Empire has awakened =[ god help us all.

Hey, I really like this idea!

“Shepling is a blessing to these forums.”
- Shepling 2019

Megadodo, you should get a signature with your CATCHPHRASE “Factually”

Edit: got to 10k posts before you