We Need to Dispel Some Myths About Mercy

Ana will never be meta as long as barriers block her healing. unless they give her some amazingly strong mechanic, which is consistent*

Well, they could always make it so Mercy can’t heal or GA through barriers.

But ideally they’d do the opposite and make everybody able to heal through barriers.

Yes, you were saying she would be underpowered xD

If they make mercy not be able to heal or ga through barriers then we’ll be using moira / zenyatta. lol.

You know, Game Developers can be wrong too.


Here’s an idea for you.

I’ve vouched that’s Resurrect should’ve worked opposite to McCree Deadeye. Then give her Valkyrie as an E ability with a stronger single target beam to keep her niche as a single target healer. That would be the only way Mercy will ever see a balanced state.


Mmm, not really.

Nice try, though.

There are actually some logical Mercy mains out there.

Exactly :smiley: :smiley:

I brought the popcorn.


Yes but if we look at it closely they aren’t doing anything for other supports to catch up with them. Lúcio’s sound barrier can’t block nor even be considered as help to Grav Strike combo and they say “he is where we want him to be” and now that not only him but also Ana and Moira can’t heal through barriers while Zen and Mercy can. Those are only few examples of how they fail to balance the game properly.

You are absolutely right. The reason why she was considered n°1 healer in the game for a long time on most ranks? Because her healing was consistent - reliable. It’s the same reason people liked Soldier76 over Widowmaker. So what did they do? They made her REZ reliable. OFC she is going to dominate. You have a thing you and everyone on your team can count on - on a timer. Her performance is currently most reliable of all the supports. You can simply count on her.
She heals through barriers, she can heal Mei in Iceblock, she doesn’t need to use any ability to “amp it up” that could be a go signal for the enemies…
And now she can do so much more than that. With an absolute limit on a number of people resurrected on cast - she has absolutely zero reasons to hold on to it. Her question is not “should I?” but “is it safe?”. She loses nothing by using the CD - because she doesn’t have to build up anything.

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Most Mercies back than in the megathread told them “this is a bad idea that will be impossible to balance”. The only mercies that were worried about her being underpowered were the ones that saw the new kit and thought - “This is OP as hell only to shut us up and will be nerfed into oblivion right after.”

If I’m being completely honest, in matches where we have two healers, I often decide to play Mercy for her rez. However, if I’m solo healing, even without rez, Mercy is the best at it.

Which brings me to the next point - I personally feel they could remove rez from the game entirely and I would still pick Mercy over Ana and Moira a lot of the time. Because even without rez, her reliability is better than the utility Ana and Moira bring.

So I personally feel they first need to buff Ana and Moira’s healing reliability and/or utility to see if they can improve their pick rate and then revisit rez.

starcraft 2 wings of liberty

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Or nerf Mercy’s.

Back then, she had her single target healing rate buffed because Ana was broken back then with the original nade. Nowdays, not only she has her single-target healing unchanged but also can heal multiple targets in her ultimate that goes through barriers while Ana got her deal of nerfs. No competition anymore.

There is honestly not a single reason why Mercy still has her old buffs plus more since Ana got nerfed and Moira with zero utility and healing blocked by barriers as negatives to her healing output that matches Mercy’s who has no downsides to her healing.

Another great contribution for the Mercy situation we are all in right now. Sadly it will go into the void and remain unseen by the devs.

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Guardian Angel is what makes Mercy so fun to play. Constantly flying around the map, keeping people alive, while positioning yourself in a safe place.

And yeah, I never see people talk about Moira’s heal orb. It’s like they never use them…

I agree with you on the fact that other sups are not in a very good place and that they could use some buff’s. But unfortunately, that won’t be enough to make them stronger than Mercy.
Mercy’s current kit is fundamentally broken in 2 aspects. Her Ult and her E utility.
Valkyrie, while it’s not really strong (not at all in my opinion), still makes up for all of Mercy’s weaknesses. All the other sups still have drawbacks if they use an ult. Ana’s and Moria’s Ult’s are weak against CC, Zen’s can be out Dmged by burst Dmg and Ana’s nade can kill his ult completely, Brigittes Ult can be countered by burst Dmg and focus fire same as Lucio’s Ult (The last one is by far the weakest sup… that poor guy).
Mercy’s Ult has literally no drawbacks and makes work incredibly easy. If one part of her kit get’s countered in her Ult, she can just switch to something else, no other sup ult is that easy to use. On top of all of that comes the insane survivability with Val.
In the Ult category alone, no other sup can really compete with her. You can buff other sups Ult’s as much as you want, non of them has an 15s “Easy, you can’t kill me mode”.

Next is E res
That ability alone outclass the utility of all the other sups. Why better healing if you can just res someone without the fear of wasting potential? Why more speed if bad positioning doesn’t really matter and can be fixed every 30s? Why think about healing if burst Dmg is that strong anyway?
E res has far too good utility, which makes every other utility ability almost pointless.

See what i want to say? Fixing one won’t change anything.


Mercy can’t have downsides to her healing because healing is all she is. She is supposed to be the quintessential healer in the game. If she’s not the best at straight up healing, then there is no reason to use her.

My point is that even if we removed rez entirely from the game, I don’t think the game is in a spot where utility can replace reliable healing. Which only Mercy and Zen offer, and they are the most popular healers.

But ignoring all that:

We know that Blizzard views Mercy’s rez as iconic, so they likely won’t remove it unless they have no other choice.

We also know that Blizzard is happier with her playstyle now than when rez was her ult.

So unless they come up with some way to make rez her ult without changing her current playstyle, it probably won’t happen. So the better path for them to explore is how to make Ana and Moira compete. And I honest to God feel that the solution is increasing their healing reliability, because as someone who has played all the healers since launch, that is the main reason I pick Mercy over them, and Zen over Lucio. Reliability.

Rez on charge mechanic.
If it can be done for torb armour and for Moira’s heal, it must be possible for rez.
And it’s also been called for before. Many people said they prefer a more skill-based way to rez.