I can be if you want me to be…mm
Nah, lots of work.
I did my job here. Please, if you want, you can help out and do the same to users who act like this then try and claim they didn’t.
I have my own list of players that are knowingly breaking CoC. I try to call them out as much as I can. Some players knowingly create new accounts or purchase other’s to circumvent bans. I try to call them out as well, but to Blizzard’s dismay as nothing gets done.
I love how ya disregarded my point on people agreeing on premise.
How lovely.
And please post more of my “disrespect”, it’s a great memory keep~❤
BTW thanks y’all for hittin this post with over a hundred and twenty replies. Especially to the people who are tired of seeing Mercy posts.
Congratulations, you played yourself.
We did suggest minor changes to the existing design… back when she had mass rez. But Blizzard didn’t follow your advice, and now we’ve got a giant mess that is going to need a giant solution–the most straightforward and pragmatic of which is simply to revert to before the mess and make those aforementioned ‘minor changes’ from there. But since apparently Blizzard refuses to do their balancing in a straightforward and pragmatic about anything, we must look at yet another rework to rework the rework that failed.
No. As long as they continue to spam the forums when they have recieved their answer, I will proceed to be annoyed
and wow! Shocker! The developers make the decisions and do what they believe is best, and follow their own agenda! In other news, the sky is blue.
If the community decided balance changes, it would be the worst game I have ever seen. Especially if it were decided by THESE forums. I’ve never seen such bias against DPS heroes before, even the balanced ones.
You don’t need total inexperienced people in power, that’s how you get a Trump situation.
Just because YOU dont agree with it does not mean the decisions are poor.
starts opinion/persuasive piece on how people are not happy with Mercy
shows proof people are not happy with Mercy
If ya wanna talk about the exact wording, I ain’t teachin nobody how to read between the lines.
Sorry mate, ya took it wrong.
Mercy mains complain that she isn’t fun.
Jeff says her pick/winrates are fine.
You see the problem here?
They have no real correlation.
Mercy is fine balance wise, absolutely. Doesn’t mean people will enjoy playing her regularly. When I play her (rarely) I do fine. My team survives and we often win the game, but I’m hella bored when I do so. I looked it up and turns out I wasn’t the only one.
I prefer more management, feeling the thrill of knowing my heal source might run dry at the wrong time, being able to either get away or attack… And possibly not being able to. I like risk… I feel very little when playing Mercy. (Again, these are personal views)
Yeah she’s viable… Doesn’t mean I wanna play her.
Fun is subjective.
You see the problem there?
Imagine getting a spear during Valkyrie, and then using Guardian Angel to a team-member but adding the bunny-hop to charge an enemy with the spear… ok, super risky and not really useful since it’s a death sentence and too dependent on team-member positioning, but sounds really fun to me… and skillful…
Yet with that decision to folow what they believe is best did the outcry leave? Its probably more and more by now. They followed their agenda and listened to the wrong ones and look what happened, even more toxicity and even more Mercy threads.
Nothing changed because they never took the feedback to heart. Which is the point I was trying to make. But Go off I guess. O
Cool…why do I need to know this
When you’re hovering around 10+ changes in a row, it’s probably best to start over
Yes, let’s all add “IN MY OPINION” to every opinion we have
Maybe they aren’t listening because they’re stubborn and sticking their fingers in their ears ?
What we NEED is for people to fix mistakes when they make them
Not abandon it once they break it and go on their way because they have to get to other things
Before we discuss about Mercy, can we at least fix Rein’s bugs first?
For sure.
You didn’t answer my question, and tried to deflect to a different topic. Just like blizzard has never replied to the complaints of Mercy becoming unfun after the rework.
No. I don’t see the issue with it.
But I don’t think it makes sense to balance off of fun.
Normally it wouldn’t…
But when the dev team itself claims they want heroes to feel both fun and fair, we kind of wanna hold it to them when a hero doesn’t feel either or.
God forbid both.
Sometimes that isn’t possible.
We’ll never know if we don’t try.
We can’t assume something is impossible when they have done it MULTIPLE times.