We need old mercy more than ever [EDITED]

CLICK HERE to see Absurd complaints people make about Mercy and why they are incorrect

Before I even start, let me talk about 3 irrational complaints that people have always made about Mercy:

  • Old mercy rez was unfair/unfun to play against! :

Imma show you a comparison:

Zarya uses grav
Hanzo uses dragons
Zen presses Q
whole combo is gone

Counter play: Bait out transcendence/ Ana nade

Zarya uses grav
Genji uses blade
lucio presses Q
whole combo is gone

Counter play: Stun lucio while casting ult/ EMP

Zarya uses grav
Hanzo uses dragons
Mercy presses Q
whole combo is gone

Counter play: Kill her before going for a team wipe/ hack or EMP/ sleep dart

these are all the same thing. I don’t know why people hated Mercy’s version.

  • Mercy has to stop healing her team and hide for rez! :

Old Mercy rez:
gets her ult after 2 min
hides for 10s
uses rez

no healing for 10s per 2 mins (at most)

New Mercy rez:
stops healing her team in order to fly to a dead body (takes 1s)
casts rez (takes 1.75s)
flies back to her team (takes another 1s)
so no healing for 3.75s per 30s

no healing for 15s per 2 mins (at most)

Didn’t we change mercy so she won’t stop healing her team for rez??

  • Mercy is already *mandatory"! :

Mercy is NOT overpowered. the only reason she still is a must-pick is because Ana is too weak. mercy got nerfed at least five times then why Ana didn’t get picked more? with this logic, instead of fixing Sombra bugs, we should give bugs to other dps heroes

So with that out of the way

Here’s why we need Resurrect as an ultimate back:

  • new Mercy rez is unfun/frustrating for both Mercy and the enemy:

Casting resurrect puts mercy in a quicksand where she can’t even crouch or move for 2 whole seconds. even a bronze aim player can hit shots on her, and if she revives someone it’ll feel frustrating for the enemy that got the pick.

  • Resurrect is too powerful to be a normal ability

this is probably the biggest issue players had with Mercy. resurrect does NOT fit as a normal ability. flankers go to the backline and get a kill and run away. Mercy presses E and and undone their work. while old mercy had to heal and not die in order to get her resurrect, this new mercy did nothing to earn that rez. it’s just a cool down.

  • Valkyrie feels both boring and ineffective:

When Ana puts an ulting genji into sleep, when hanzo hits 3 headshots in a row, and when mercy used to have a 5 man rez, they all felt great, they feel like they did sth big. now how much fun could 15s Spectator cam be?

  • Resurrect counters this new hanzo meta

I don’t even want to talk about how forgiving this new hanzo is. im just talkig about grav dragon combo meta. mercy was known to be a counter to initiate ults. same way zen ult works. new mercy ult doesn’t really have a place in the game. it barely can help your team in situation that the enemy doesn’t use any ultimate.

Edit: I actually forgot to mention her rez ult should have a 0.5s cast time. So it can still be countered with stun or headshot but you only have half a sec. Killing her will be hard but it also gives high reward

I really hope that devs would actually listen to people about Mercy for once and fix her for both mercy mains and the rest of the community once and for all.

Have a great day ^^


106 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018