We need anti mobility heroes

Let’s face it… mobility is way too freaking strong in Overwatch. Any hero with mobility has a much easier time dominating the fight… winton… genji… dva… tracer… lucio… etc.

It can be vertical, horizontal, or both. And we currently have no counters.

Just buff mei!
But then you have to realize that mei is very niche, and was built with this in mind. Just like symmetra or torb, they are built for a niche, but are too niche which is why they need buffs. She’s only good for defense and very hard on attack. Plus just a single anti mobility character will not stop the dive meta.

Add an anti mobility tank hero… the category we need the most as of now. A cool idea I saw was a bubble that trapped a character. There can also be a character that has a lucio-like aura that weakens enemies if they are near. So if you dive, you will become weaker. Etc. etc., there’s many possibilities.


just play mei


20 chars requiement

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You’re getting anti dive heroes.

Anti mobility heroes is hard to dive into because it just is a flat out hard counter with an I win button vs heroes who viability is completely tied to how they move around

Brigitte does a pretty good job of countering some of the issues you mention. Check her out today.


Personally I think Mei is a good candidate for an anti-mobility hero. She’s largely close-quarters, so non-mobile heroes can blast her away easily before she closes the gap, she’s immobile, so we won’t get Sombra 2.0 and have to fight mobility with more mobility, and it fits her thematically.

Making Mei a hard-counter to mobility would work purely because Mei clearly has defined strengths and weaknesses which make her pretty mediocre against non-mobile heroes, so if she can delete Tracer and Genji from the game, then she can be deleted equally as easy by heroes like McCree, Reaper or Junkrat.


I too am confused as to why Mei couldn’t be designed to hard counter Mobility.

She is an ice queen… she should tell her enemies to stay frosty dang it!


I’m hopefull for that too!


You mean in 2 months right? Because QP is VASTLY different Jeff. No one is going to play seriously in there. I dislike this new system you guys implemented. It kills hype and makes it WORSE to learn heroes and maps.


because putting a hard counter in this game would be bonkers. for the sake of game health you dont want hard counters

The more the merrier Jeff, the more the merrier.

PS: I think a lot of people forget one of the main reasons mobility-based heroes are so good. It is because of their ability to engage and disengage very efficiently. This means they are great for stalling and contesting points with having to over-commit to that point. This is one of the biggest reasons the pros use these heroes so often.


Your title makes it sound like you want a counter to anti-mobility heroes.


It feels like people want something that basically one-shots Tracers, Genjis with ez… Love that Blizzard stand by the fact that a hero like this will never be introduced. At least I hope not.

I don’t think any hero should be a hard-counter in a way that it kills one hero.

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Hey Look at that. Someones finally catching on that the issue with Dive is mobility and how it doesnt have any effective counters currently.

Anti Mobility doesnt mean one shot kills.

It means abilities that severly dampen or punish mobility for their use. As an example, a Zone control hero who puts down an AoE effect on a location that prevents blinks/dashes/boosts/leapes/etc for any hero that enters it. Tracer players, as an example, then have to decide what to do. They wont be able to blink in the zone, so do they enter it at their own risk or forced to go around it to their goal.

This would force player choice while mitigating the inherent power mobility has. Cross the zone, run the risk of getting killed cause you cant blink, or go around it/wait it out but stay safe.


Overwatch is uniquely suited to dealing with hard-counters though. Rock-Paper-Scissors gameplay doesn’t work for many games because you’re locked into your role. I can’t suddenly switch out of Leona in LoL when I come up against a Morgana, nor can I stop being a Warlock in Arena when the gates open and there’s a Rogue and Death Knight.

But in Overwatch if there’s a Bastion, I can switch from Winston to Dva, or to another hero who isn’t shredded by Bastion if Dva is already taken. Hard-counters are healthy so long as they pay for that strength in other areas, like with Bastions complete lack of mobility.

We need a hero that can shut down or extend the recharge of movement abilities specifically. Sombra would have been great but her hack is too universal and often hurts non-mobile characters more than mobile ones. A lot of the attempts we’ve seen at fixing the problem have had that same side-effect.

Mei and Symmetra arent desinged to be niche. Niche heroes are Torbjörn, Bastion, Reaper and Lucio.
The problem with Mei is the fact that some buffs would make her too strong. Imagine if she could freeze faster or shot insta-Icicles…
However, I think Symmetra could use a “Graviton Beam” That disables the same abilitys as graviton surge.

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When exactly? i thought she was being released with the Maintenance
now i’m confused

When is the patch coming out today? Jeff please tell me, love you

I’m sorry, what are you possibly on about?
Lucio is DEFINITELY NOT a niche hero. Sym DEFINITELY is, and Mei is as well, though at least she is more arguable. Bastion and Reaper may not be meta, but they see far more use (especially reaper) than sym or torb (not counting qp trolling). Basically the only true part i see of that statement is torb is niche.