We need an Official answer on One Tricking. 🎲

Life isn’t fair. Did you never learn that lesson? Once again yes you can play anything your heart desires. But the dev team can’t protect everyone from false reports, so the best answer is to learn how to flex. But if you don’t want to learn to flex and want to one trick by all means go ahead, just know you’ve been warned.


So again. Its not against the rules. But false reporting is supported?


As I stated before, the problem is not one-tricking. There is no double standard when you consider that playing off-meta is what is getting people banned, not the one-tricking. The Widow gets banned because she is a niche hero, the Mercy does not because she is nearly always helpful.

If I “one-tricked” Hanzo and someone asked me to switch, and I switched to Sombra, which has happened to me before, do you believe I was spared from the false report? No. They still reported me. If anything, they were even more persistent about my report once I went Sombra instead. I have been Hanzo, and people were saying we needed a hit-scan to deal with Pharah and threatened to report me if I did not switch, I switched to Widow and guess what? Still reported.

I have been Hanzo, had someone threaten to false report me, so I switched to 76, he literally apologized to me because I clutched the game; however, he already took time, during the match where he was not helping the team, to report me. What was the difference? A Soldier is perceived as helpful.

I have tested this quite extensively. I even had someone threaten to report my Widow, so I swapped to Junkrat, a hero that I have virtually no competitive experience with. They literally stopped complaining as I went from gold damage/eliminations while we were pushing the payload nearly uncontested to not landing anything and getting stuck before the second checkpoint on Route 66. I did not even have a bronze at that point. But it shut them up because Junkrat is considered “easy value.” I was not getting value, but they were like, “see, this is so much better” as we were literally losing… Just because he is meta.

So again, the problem is not one-tricking. You can one-trick Hog and NEVER, EVER get reported even once while you give the entire team ultimates and miss every single hook. You can carry games as a smurf Widow/Hanzo and STILL get false reported as you carry people 2-3 ranks lower than you.


I mean, I don’t think the reports are justified, and it’s not fair to report someone for picking who they want. It’s just that because DPS mains are far more abundant, healers/tanks are much more sought after than DPS, and they’re usually not fighting over who gets the role, so flexibility isn’t really much of an issue. Also, a lot of the DPS have more singular uses (like Widow isn’t good against a lot of comps) while barely anyone goes “Mercy, you need to switch to a different healer” because her use is pretty much universal. This is why the double standard exists and probably won’t ever go away.
And to be quite honest, I, and many others, are much happier to see a Mercy on the team over a Widowmaker. I’d never report or do anything to the Widow other than suggest they switch, but I inherently appreciate support/tank players for doing what many will not. (Also, I am willing to flex for DPS picks). So, while the reports aren’t justified, it’s pretty understandable why the community frowns more on a Widow onetrick than a Mercy onetrick. DPS are a dime a dozen, supports and tanks are rare, so they’re usually not going to run into conflicts.


I wasn’t making a statement on one-tricking, I was simply mocking your seemingly random gif use


Not supported, they would never come out and say that, but it is definitely more lenient than a one trick would want it to be.

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lol, you actually think it took them 2 years to make OW?

The reason why off Meta One-Tricks get banned so much is because the Report System is trash and automatic. If u get like 100 Reports u can get banned for any reason not only One Tricking.

A Torb, Bastion or Symmetra One Trick can get banned very fast just because they get instant report by toxic Players if they lose or even on the Hero select screen ( i got reported 5 times even when the Match didnt start just because i was picking Mei in Comp )

A Mercy, Tracer, Genji, D.Va or any other Meta Hero will never get banned because nobody would report them only if they throwing or are Toxic


So instead of the war on toxicity working, it only made it worse by giving them weapons?


The problem with this is that there is absolutely no way for that to be measured. Why should one person be forced to listen to another, just because they’re playing a hero they don’t like?

It’s something that can’t be reportable. If they are purposely throwing the game by just running into the enemy team and dying over and over then thats another story.


They have. They said onetricking is allowed as long as you’re working towards winning.

Then again people are more likely to report a onetrick sym than a onetrick rein

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I was giving them the benefit of the doubt from post-Project Titan conception to release. In reality, it was probably rushed out in less time. I mean, it really shows that this game spent less time in total development than a Blizzard game usually spends just in Alpha.

So then they need to proactively ban false reporters who report one tricks.


Yes, exactly. It only increased the toxicity and they boast about the increased number of reports as though false suspensions are not a daily occurrence.


They actually don’’t need to. In fact from a business stand point it’s probably better that they don’t.

maybe short term but long term frustrations will build up and people will leave to other games if it gets bad enough

also they don’t have to, but they should, if they actually care about thier community like they claim too.

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So back when i played lacrosse, if the coach said that I’m playing mid field when i actually said i like attack, and i tell him that’s not my position I’d be told okay you’re not playing the whole game then because you’re useless. I get that we have no coach but when a majority of people aren’t happy about your pick, it’s probably best if you just pick something else.

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From a business standpoint it’s better for them to punish those who try to get players who did nothing punished.

It shows that they care about their players.


But what if the majority is against one tricking, who should they listen to now? Be fair, or be smart?

they will say you can’t get banned, but the line to cross is extremely low…if you say anything = banned, if you don’t say anything=banned, if youre not on voice chat, but reported (hero choice is the reason,but they just pick other option)=banned.

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