We need a scoreboard, I saw an Ana playing DPS in replay

just because you can’t find the meaning, doesn’t mean that it does not exist

This is true. Absence of proof is not proof of absence. However, when you say that you want a scoreboard in order to blame teammates based on how big their numbers are, I don’t want people like you to have a scoreboard.


scoreboard contribution is voluntary.

do gooders who do harm

Guilds, sure. I can back up guilds. I think guilds are good for the game long term. However, if I was the devs, I’d have a hard time adding any features like it because of how LFG has been blasted by the community.

I am against a scoreboard because if it increase toxicity, you cannot simply remove it. The potential for it being a big step back is too great.


I don’t think it’s true that you can’t extract meaningful information from a scoreboard. People always say the same thing about medals, but you can discern things about the way the game is going by looking at them. It’s about having the game knowledge to interpret the data that you’re given.

Just at the most basic level, you can figure out which dps is actually securing kills/dealing damage and which might want to consider swapping heroes. Same with healing. I’ve had games where I’ve got gold healing as roadhog, when we have an Ana. It might not give a perfect picture of the state of the match, but it can give a good indication of where something is lacking/in abundance.

Either way, I think that the pros outweigh the cons simply because -as I said - you’re not going to be able to stop people from being toxic and blaming others.

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LFG was huge when it came out, it was the QoL that was lacking that drove people away

might as well never print another book again, yeah?

I know you don’t think players in the low ranks know this stuff without a scoreboard, but many of us do. The kill cam tells a lot, as does payload/objective progress, ult tracking, and counter picks.

We don’t need a crutch to see effectiveness.


Seagull would disagree.

That’s a great example. Quiz time:
Does the Roadhog have gold healing because:

  1. Ana isn’t healing him.
  2. Ana isn’t able to meet the mechanical requirements.
  3. Ana is getting picked off in the back line and is unable to heal.
  4. Roadhog isn’t assisting with flankers.
  5. Roadhog is on a perpetual flank, leaving his team 5v6 while feeding the enemy ultimate charge as he self-heals.

A scoreboard can’t tell you the answer, but Roadhog blaming healers and using his gold healing as justification is a literal meme.


I feel like you provide half thoughts sometimes.

Good for him. Am I supposed to change my opinion now?


In this case, it was a thrower. Saw him at the end of the match hiding away from the OT teamfight (not being cowardly, he was literally afking).

But that’s what I mean about the ability to interpret it. Until I saw them afk, I didn’t know exactly what the problem was. I just knew that healing was lacking. I was the roadhog in this case, so I could consider the impact of my choices very thoroughly. Which helped give more context, but still wasn’t enough to pinpoint the exact issue at hand.

That being said, the information would normally be helpful (if I had been communicating with my team at all lol). If feed-hog can be ruled out, then you can ask the healer if he’s having trouble either with pressure from the enemy, maintaining sightlines, mechanical reqs, etc. It’s a first step to diagnosing the problem and fixing it

Like I said, it’s not a solution. It’s just a tool that can be helpful if used properly. Like most things, it can be abused. But I still maintain that the people who would abuse it are the type that would be flaming, regardless of whether or not they had a scoreboard


what I don’t understand is why any one would against a scoreboard, are you so scared that your gameplay would be effected?

the gloriousness that is Overwatch ladder, how they dare they show a scoreboard and tarnish it’s purity!

The plague of Overwatch since the beginning has been community toxicity. The devs have gone to great lengths to fight toxicity. Personally, I think toxicity is lower than it was. The majority of my games, wins or losses, are filled with people trying help the team win.

Introducing a scoreboard, regardless of what any one person thinks, is risking a surge in toxicity because many players will simply see numbers, not the context that surrounds the numbers.

I am generally not against a scoreboard. I don’t think the OW community can handle a scoreboard.


you’ve got some nerve!

with all due respect, seriously though, that’s really the only response to that statement, to each their own though :slight_smile:

Generally when you have an ana you want another main healer , not off healer .

what about the Lucio Ana combo?

and i think you’re wrong any way

Mercy, Ana, Moria, those are the main healers.

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Most high rated stream I watch prefer Mercy + Ana. Every thread I go into of yours is full of presumptions and unintelligence.

You don’t understand about lack of context regarding a scoreboard, theres no helping you there. Good luck with your Bastion though, maybe a scoreboard would just get your Bastion play flamed as a 30% win rate at your level is worse than a dps only ana imo. Especially when everyone just runs into your LoS gifting you free kills if you dont suck. Scoreboard would only do YOU personally a disservice until you improve.


Seagull understands it, maybe you should have a conversation with him.

you ok?

I’m not talking about whether Seagull understands it or not, this conversation is meant to be about you. Or are you allowed to derail it when you stop others from doing so?

From the understanding YOU have provided this thread: almost non-exsistant personal knowledge about scoreboard design or effectiveness, you have no clue. You simply parrot “My game was bad and even though I’m not able to tell WHY the ana is dpsing its her fault! So scoreboard”. Or “Seagull says it so I do what Daddy says.” Neither promote much confidence in your ability to understand nuances involved.


yes, but that’s why the git gud argument doesn’t work. because you can’t use that argument against Seagull. I understand that I do not posses the skills to properly assess whether a scoreboard is good to have, that much goes without saying. However, you don’t have the skills to say I don’t have the skills because Seagull has the skills.

you’ll just have to get better at the game before you dismiss Seagull’s advice.