We need a 'bad teammate' reportfunction

I have had 12 games this week that had either onetricks or straight up throwers and it is a problem that occurs in every rank.
I myself have played in gold, plat, diamond and masters and there appear to be a LOT of people who refuse to coöperate with the team in each of these ranks.

Now, I’m not saying people are bad teammate’s because they don’t swap heroes, bc you buy this game and want to play the character you want, I get it.
It involves people that are just not willing to coöperate e.g. not even trying to counter the enemies, refusing to join voice when teammates ask you to (even if it’s just to hear others giving callouts) etc. .

This reportfunction should be implemented in competitive in my opinion as this game is most teamplaybased, so not in quickplay.

Lastly I don’t think people should be punished too harshly for it but some sort of action needs to be taken as the problem seems to be getting worse…

What do you guys think? Am I the only one thinking this is a real problem?
Stay positive and keep grinding guys! :heart:

Realistically there was a “Poor teammate” report category, however its abuse was rampant so it was removed in 2018.


‘‘Zarya go Rein’’
Me: No.

‘‘Okay reported for being a bad team mate’’


I think this could be solved by improving the matchmaker. If people can stay at a certain rank by not cooperating, then there is something flawed with the system. Personally, I would not want to be in voicechat with the amount of toxicity that is currently in the game, competitive or not.

This should efficiently flush 95% of the player base.

While there is some logic in your statement, there is a counterargument. I am better playing the damage role than the other two roles and I am proving this in the current running Competitive Open Queue game mode. The placements appear to have averaged each player’s existing MMRs from the three roles to make the Open Queue MMR. This means my poor Tank and Support MMR is mixed with my good Damage MMR. I got placed signficantly lower than my damage MMR and now I am quickly gaining rank by strictly playing Pharah (my best hero) without switching off that role (regardless of the overall team composition). Some others don’t like it, but really I don’t care because I know the end goal is improving my own rank.

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I think this kind of shows the issue. It’s more a balance problem in that people can really damage their team through picks.

Like that guy probably just doesn’t want to play Reinhardt himself but knows that you need one.

Unwillingness to play certain heroes is not against the rules and never will be.
I don’t want to play Mercy for example. If we have a Pharah or Echo and they ask for one, sorry, it’s just not gonna happen. I don’t want to play Mercy.
It’s not a balance issue.

Ughhhhh so true.

The thing is, how to you realistically determine who’s a bad teammate and whos trying but just isnt that good?

It’s a crap show especially in plat and up, where people become egocentric and can’t think for themselves or objectively. Everyone is blinded by “should bes” and “i want you to”. It’s crap and the community is so casual even in terms of brain power it hurts. I am amazed more people don’t realize we can’t have nice things because they think they know best or believe their own opinions so confidently and don’t question themselves

99.9% of the time people will just be reporting their entire team because it’s always everyone else’s fault.

This wouldn’t serve any function other then more false reporting IMO. Sorry to be so blunt about it.

Also one tricks are not reportable in any way shape or forum.


Yeah i feel you man.
I’ve been suspended twice during double barrier because of my complete refusal to play Orisa or Sigma.

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The balance issue is when your “I won’t play hero X” clashes with “Hero X is needed to win”.

Like, right now, if you play Orisa you are substantially ruining your team’s chances. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is. What we need isn’t a way to report the Orisa player, but for Orisa not to be unplayable garbage.

They need to rapidly fix situations where a hero is either obligatory or a throw pick. But they don’t.

Sadly it may be true but they may do worse on another pick. I know I talk a lot of min/max confident theoretical crap, but it doesnt apply to lower ranks… in higher ranks the person picking Orisa can probably moderately flex another pick to a useful degree… but until you’re in M or GM the idea of character pick kit utility doesn’t really apply or hold up in a min/max sense

Not right now with Orisa. I do far better on Reinhardt despite being far better at playing Orisa and actively hating Reinhardt to the point where I have to hold myself back at throwing when I play him.

That’s a design issue, not necessarily a balance issue.
Bunker is no longer bunker if you switch out Orisa for Dva or Winston. Double barrier isn’t double barrier with a Dva. Dive isn’t dive with Rein.
Deathball is no longer deathball if you swap out Rein for Orisa.

Entire compositions crumble if one hero is left out, because the developers refuse to allow for overlap. They want each and every hero to be unique. And as a result, they’re unmissable in their respective meta’s.

I agree one tricking is not reportable and it shouldn’t be, it’s all about people refusing to play as a team… you can play pharah every game if you want, but if you don’t play to win, it’s concidered throwing in my book

So no onetricking is not a bad thing in itself, but refusing to play to win is something else, and that’s a problem that comes with onetricking way too often

It’s not a ‘balance’ problem but people not switching and playing what they want when this game is all about switching and countering. Even at the pros they select a few and that’s it. There’s also player’s mentalities like ‘X hero sucks’ or ‘Y hero is meta’

because that definitely wouldn’t be abused :joy:

But sometimes it’s true.

Lol it sucks because I love playing Rein, but I was also a tank in an mmo that reminds me of Rein… regardless I feel you. No one ever talks or tells me NOT to play Moira but I know inside they want me to be Ana