We finally get a Busan map and it's just for Summer Games

If she doesn’t get a sweet skin I riot. The last even skin we got was more than a year ago. Don’t talk about that cat skin it’s not good.

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I’m on the positivity train and think we’ll get a Korean map next month and D.Va lore that could possibly be in the form of a very short short like the Junker short last year.

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I doubt that Busan would stay ruined forever. It’s a pretty big and populace are. People were bound to return and fix it.

God I hope a d.va cinematic with it.

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Plot twist D.Va is the new announcer for the new map.


Has nothing to do but

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The Busan stadium map is for Lucioball. The ticket posted on the Overwatch twitter page says so.

That map looks cool for once i acually like a Lucio ball arena

I dunno, is there any skin which would subtract lore?

Dva mains are currently hibernating, and we all were enjoying the salination contest between Sombra and Mercy mains the last month or so.

Hell hath no fury like a Dva main when something changes.

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A very small part of me still tries to believe that we will get a new gamemode,but the chances are low.

Pretty disappointed the city isn’t burning with an Omnic kaiju in the background, that would have been a really interesting venue.

summer games is from the 9th to the 30th.

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I just…don’t even care about a map in that mode?

So the scenery is different…it doesn’t change that the mode is boring af. lol

Delete.va skin confirmed then!

You made me log in just to like your post

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Give us this map ffs


Does swimming count as a sport?


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What a joke